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Only Love Page 4

  “What happened? Are you sure you’re okay?” Vanessa called through the door again.

  Dammit. Why the hell wasn’t she taking the hint and leaving already? “Just dropped it again,” I grunted. “My mind is on other things.” Like fucking my girl, I thought.

  “Okay...well, if you're sure.”

  I met London’s gaze again and made sure she saw that I was dead serious. “I’ve never been more certain of anything in my life.” Her eyes widened, and I felt her dimples dip into her cheeks beneath my hand.

  “Um…” Vanessa sounded confused, which I understood since that had been an intense response to such a minor situation. “I guess I’ll see you on Wednesday.”

  “Sure,” I grunted. “See you then.” I listened to the sound of her heels clicking on the linoleum floor, and when they faded away, I stopped teasing London. I sped up my pace and dropped my eyes to watch the joining of our bodies. My beard had scraped the tender skin on her thighs, and my chest swelled at seeing my mark on her. The next time I pulled out, I noticed the pink tinge to her sweet cream, and it brought that possession barreling even harder to the surface. I wanted to beat my chest and shout that this girl was mine and mine alone. I’d taken her. Marked her. Claimed her.

  My animal instincts took over, and I began to ride her hard, my adrenaline spiked from seeing her virgin blood on my cock and from almost being caught. I shoved my dick ruthlessly into her vise-like channel over and over. “Fuck, baby girl,” I groaned, keeping my voice low so only she could hear me. “I know I should be gentle, but damn, I can’t help fucking your tight, virgin pussy like a possessed madman. I don’t know how I’m ever going to stop.”

  My hips bucked wildly, and the desk scooted back with every thrust. I let up the pressure of my hand on her mouth, using it only as a gag now. But I kept my position on her throat, slightly cutting off her airflow every time I drove in again. She was gasping, but her body was shuddering with tremors of pleasure, her legs locked around me, and her eyes swirling with desire. “Damn, London,” I rumbled. “Fuck. You feel so good. Oh, fuck yeah, baby.” She was clenching her inner muscles, and every pulse sent out shockwaves of pleasure. “Just like that...fuck, yeah. Milk my cock with that tight pussy.”

  “Liam,” she gasped into my hand. She was growing wilder with every word I said. Her nails dug through my shirt and into my skin where she was holding on to my biceps, and her hips were meeting me thrust for thrust.

  I slowed down and rocked lazily into her. “Do you like that, baby girl?” I questioned with a grin. “Does it turn you on when I talk dirty?” Her cheeks bloomed with red, and she nodded shyly. I removed my hand and bent down to give her a quick kiss. “I love that you’re so honest, London. You don’t ever have to pretend with me. If you like or don’t like something, you can tell me. Okay?” Her lickable dimples popped as she smiled and nodded her understanding.

  “Good. Now tilt that pussy like a good little girl and take my cock even deeper.” I speared her with a steady gaze, the one I used on my students when I gave them instructions that I expected to be obeyed without question. “Say yes, Dr. Grey,” I demanded.

  “Yes, Dr. Grey,” she parroted immediately.

  “Oh fuck,” I groaned. “That was hotter than I thought it would be.” The frenzied need returned with a vengeance, and I began to slam in and out with absolutely no finesse whatsoever. My brain had deserted me completely, and I was consumed by the barrage of sensations overwhelming me. I rode her hard, rutting inside her like an animal intent on mating and breeding their female.

  “I’m not going to last much longer, baby girl,” I growled.

  She mewled, and her legs gripped my hips with a little more force.

  If I hadn’t been so fucking hot and ready to blow, I might have laughed. “I promise to feed your greedy pussy as much as you want later. But I need you to come now.”

  “Yes, Dr. Grey,” she panted, and that was the end of me.

  One last rational moment had me covering London’s mouth with my hand to muffle the scream that ripped from her throat as she shattered apart. Then I bit back a roar as I drove in one last time and exploded as my orgasm ripped through me. Over and over, I shot thick jets of seed into her primed womb. I grabbed her thighs and pushed them back, tilting her hips up farther so I could press in even deeper and make sure my long, heavy cock bumped right up against her cervix. I wanted to make sure that not even one drop escaped. Though with the amount of come I was pumping inside her, it was inevitable that it began spilling out of her.

  Her legs, which had been tucked up against her chest, had fallen to her sides, leaving her open and exposed to my admiring gaze. I had to admit, it was incredibly fucking hot to see her wearing my come. I pulled all the way out and scooped up some of the excess spunk and rubbed it into the skin of her thighs, pussy, and stomach. Then I kissed the spot just below her belly button and each nipple, before putting her shirt right.

  London was sprawled on the desk, unmoving, staring up at the ceiling. I would have been worried except for the satisfied smile gracing her gorgeous face. I adored those fucking dimples. Sighing, because all I wanted to do was fuck her up against the wall next, I stepped back. Then I grabbed some tissues and wiped my beard as clean as I could. When I went to tuck my cock back into my pants, I spotted the dark spots from my dick leaking before I got inside her. How was I going to get us both home—me with come-stained pants and London with the “freshly fucked” look?

  I didn’t know what it was about those thoughts that brought reality rushing back, but that was the moment I realized what I’d just done. A litany of curses ranted in my head, calling me every name in the book for losing control and taking London on the desk in my office for our first time. More importantly, her first time. I’d taken her virginity without the plush bed, candles, soft touches...everything I’d planned to make it perfect for her. What was worse, I’d been rough and had ridden her hard. Instead of a slight ache tomorrow, London was going to be sore as hell.

  “You’re a fucking tool, Grey,” I muttered as I buckled my belt.

  “Huh?” London had dropped her legs and was struggling to sit up. I rushed forward to help her to her feet, and another curse escaped when the movement made her wince.

  “I’m sorry,” I said with a grimace.

  She peered up at me with confusion and worry. “Was...Did you...Was I…?” She was struggling to express a full thought, but I knew what she’d been trying to ask.

  “If you’d been any more perfect, it would have killed me.” I smiled and tenderly brushed some wayward hair out of her face. She brightened, and her eyes turned soft as she looked up into my face. “I was apologizing for being such an asshole.”

  “I don’t understand.”

  I sighed and drew her into my embrace, resting my chin on the top of her head. “I never should have started this here. This was a shitty way to take your virginity. It wasn’t what I’d planned, and I should have the shit kicked out of me for being so rough. I wanted to cause you as little pain as possible, and I’ve done the complete opposite.”

  Chapter 6


  London cocked her head to the side and gave me a look that suggested she thought I was crazy while her hand absently rubbed my beard. “This was amazing. I loved everything about what just happened between us, Dr. Grey.”

  I squeezed my eyes shut and mentally shouted at my rising dick to stand down. “Don’t call me that unless I tell you,” I reminded her with a growl, “or you're going to find yourself being fucked up against a wall or on the nearest flat surface.”

  A naughty gleam entered her green eyes, and I frowned and gripped her chin with my thumb and forefinger. “If that happens, I’ll spank your luscious ass until it’s raw and you feel the burn from my hand every time you sit for a week.” My fingers tightened to make sure she wasn’t able to look away. “I own your pussy, London. I’m the only one who decides how and when you come. When it comes to sex, I’m in charge. Is that

  I loosened my grip on her chin, and she gave me a small nod. She licked her lips, and the desire sparking in her eyes almost depleted my resolve to wait to take her again.

  “Good,” I said with a soft smile. I kissed the tip of her nose and stepped back, lacing our fingers together. “Let's go home.”

  London’s brow creased as she contemplated my statement. “My house is only a short train ride away from here. I appreciate your suggestion, but you don’t need to drive me home.” She shrugged and tried to release my hand, but I refused to let her go. Her smile turned shy all of the sudden, and her cheeks colored. “Maybe we into each other again on Wednesday. Somewhere besides school of course.” She peeked up at me through her lashes, looking a little unsure. “Or whenever. I can keep things casual. I’m not the clingy type.” Then she muttered under her breath, but it wasn’t quite so low that I didn’t hear it. “I think. Then again, how the heck would I know for sure?”

  I smiled for a moment, enjoying her sweetness, but the distraction from her words didn’t last long. I spun around and marched with her over to the nearest wall, then moved her so her back was against it and I was caging her in with my arms.

  “First, baby girl,” I growled. “I wasn’t making a suggestion. Second, when I said ‘home,’ I wasn’t referring to your parents' brownstone. And third, there is nothing casual about us. This isn’t a hookup, it’s not temporary, and I don’t ever want to hear you insinuate otherwise again.”

  “But-but-” London sputtered. “We don’t even know each other.”

  I slid a hand down to cup her pussy and smirked. “I’d say we know each other very well. And what we don’t know, we’ll learn between fucking.”

  London’s mouth worked silently, and she stared at me, obviously stunned speechless. Then she glanced around the room with agitated eyes. “We can’t be together, Liam,” she blurts. “You could lose your job, and I could be kicked out of school.”

  I frowned and cupped her face in my palms. “You think I give a shit about my job when it comes to you? You’re the only one who matters to me. I won’t let them do anything to you, London. But if I have to give up teaching at NYU for you, I won’t hesitate.”

  She tried to hide her pleased reaction to my promise with a frown, but I didn’t miss the sparkle in her green eyes. “I care, Liam. I don’t want to be responsible for you losing your livelihood. It’s expensive enough to live here on what professors make, and I don’t…” Her cheeks reddened, and she kept her eyes trained on my throat, avoiding my gaze. “Um, I don’t want you to move.”

  I grinned, remembering for the first time that she had no idea who I was or how much I was worth. I would tell her, but I decided to have a little fun and see her reaction to our home first.

  And I enjoyed hearing her admit that she was growing attached to me. Given my obsession with her, I was determined to make sure that she couldn’t live without me.

  “Maybe we could keep our relationship a secret?” She bit her bottom lip as she mused over her question. I used my thumb to free it, then nipped it in the same place. She inhaled sharply and I swiped my tongue over the spot to soothe any sting before lifting my head.

  “You are not a dirty little secret, London,” I told her, narrowing my eyes and scrutinizing her face. “I want everyone to know you’re mine. I want every man who looks at you to immediately know that you’re taken.”

  “Yours?” she peeped. She cast her eyes down but not before I saw a glimmer of hope.

  “Damn straight,” I growled, making her dimples pop from the curve of her lips. “Besides,”—I glided my hand up from her center to splay it on her flat belly—”it’ll be pretty obvious when you start showing. And I can barely keep my hands off you now.” Closing my eyes, I shook my head and took a deep breath, trying not to picture her swollen with my baby. “I’m not sure I’m going to be able to let you out of the house when your sexy body is round with the proof that you’re mine.” My gaze dropped to her chest, and I licked my lips. “I don’t think I’ll be any better after you have the baby, either,” I groaned. “How the fuck am I supposed to let you out of bed with your big tits full and dripping with milk?” I looked at the ceiling and started counting to ten in Arabic. My cock had woken up with a vengeance, and the images in my head were making me so hard it hurt. If I didn’t get myself under control, I’d end up spreading her out on my desk again and working on that baby. Get a fucking grip, Grey. You can wait until you’re home.

  “What baby?!” London yelped. “I’m not pregnant. We only had sex once!”

  I gazed back down at her with one raised brow. “Once is all it takes, baby. You do realize that I just fucked your tight little pussy bare, right? You’ve got so much of my come inside you that it wouldn’t surprise me if you’re already pregnant. And I intend to spend the next thirty-six or so hours upping those chances.” I grinned at the thought and winked at her as she gaped at me in shock. She’d wrap her head around the idea soon enough.

  A sound in the hallway penetrated my daydreams and reminded me that we needed to get going. I spun London around and patted her ass to get her moving in the direction of my desk, where her backpack had dropped to the floor. “Come on, baby girl. Let’s get your things. We can discuss this some more at home. I need to feed you.” Food first, then I’d feed her pussy ten inches of cock and buckets of baby batter.

  London wordlessly followed my instructions, and I picked up my own bag from my desk, then took her elbow to escort her to the door. I blew out an irritated sigh when I was forced to stop touching her. After unlocking and opening the door, I poked my head out to look both ways. If Vanessa was lingering about, it was doubtful that she would put two and two together. The hallway was empty, so I gestured for London to exit first. I’d keep my distance, but I didn’t trust her to follow me and not run if she started to freak out, so I stayed behind her.

  We exited the building, and since night had fallen, I threw caution to the wind and sped up to walk next to her. I placed my hand on her lower back and guided her toward the space where my Audi was parked. Walking her to the passenger side, I used my thumbprint to unlock the door. Then I helped her into her seat and buckled her in before swinging the door shut and loping around to the driver’s side.

  Once I’d gotten settled in my seat, I pushed the start button and backed out of the space. London was still silent as I drove toward our home, but the house wasn’t far, so we were pulling into the driveway a few minutes later. I pressed the button on the steering wheel to open the garage, and as it ascended, London gasped. “This is where you live?”

  I swallowed the impulse to correct her that this was our house, but I’d sensed that her silence was an indication she was absorbing and trying to work through everything that had happened so far.

  A smile creased my face as I shifted the car into park. “I think you’ll like it,” I predicted. “It’s the perfect house for raising a family, and there’s plenty of space for your—” I broke off a second before I revealed how much I knew about her. She’d wonder how I knew about her dream to create baby clothes. I figured that the smart play was to ease her into the fact that I’d invaded her privacy, stalked her, and was generally obsessed with her. More than that, I wasn’t in the least bit sorry and had zero regrets about the lengths I’d gone to for her. The truth was, I’d have crossed every line, broken every rule, done anything it took to make her mine.

  “How about I show you around, and then I’ll make us some dinner?” I suggested before exiting the car. By the time I’d reached her, she’d unbuckled herself but hadn’t made a move to open the door. She seemed torn on what to do next, so I opened the door, bent down, and scooped her into my arms. Problem solved.

  I carried her into the house and up the stairs to the first level where we entered the kitchen. “I’ll grab us something to drink, then I’ll show you around,” I told her softly before kissing the top of her head and setting her in one of the high-backed chai
rs at the large island in the center of the room. I grabbed two bottles of water from the refrigerator, twisted the cap off one, and handed it to London.

  She took a long drink and even the movement of her throat as she swallowed made my body buzz with desire. I gulped down my whole bottle, but the cold water did nothing to cool my ardor. “Are you ready?” I grunted. I adjusted myself, not bothering to hide it from London. She might as well see what she did to me. It wasn’t as though she wasn’t familiar with my size. And she’d taken all of me like a fucking champ.

  London hopped down from her seat, and I was pleased when she didn’t hesitate to take the hand I held out to her. We didn’t go through the entire house because I didn’t have the patience to wait that long, but I showed her the highlights, the rooms we would spend the most time in as a family. Throughout the tour, her eyes had widened so big they were practically taking up her whole face. When we reached the rooftop garden on the sixth floor, she exhaled long and slow as she took in the open space. “This house has to be worth at least fifty million dollars.” It wasn’t what I expected her to say, and her accusatory tone threw me for a loop.

  “That’s about right,” I agreed cautiously. I was startled by her accuracy until I remembered that her sister, Charlotte, worked for a real estate tycoon, and with her parents’ net worth, it made sense that she would be familiar with housing costs in New York City.

  She finished her perusal and faced me, her hands on her curvy hips and her green eyes flashing with anger, followed closely by hurt. “You lied to me. Who are you? Because you clearly aren’t a humble professor making a living at a state university.”