Family Affairs: Volume 1 Page 9
“Why’re you crying, Maggie?” His voice was a low rasp that sent goosebumps along my skin.
“Happy tears,” I hiccupped, waving him off, even as my heart raced at the look he was sending my way.
“My girl.” Mom sighed, reaching over and squeezing my hand. “She’s got such a good head on her shoulders. Straight A’s all through school. Never caused a single bit of trouble. But she’s also got the softest heart of anyone I know.”
“Which she got from her mother,” Stanley interjected. “Both my girls are sensitive souls.”
I snorted softly, knowing darn well that even though I had a soft heart, I wasn’t a ‘sensitive soul’ as he’d put it. Maybe I would have been, if I hadn’t have spent the last ten years taking care of business around the house. Making sure the bills were paid since my mom could be flighty like that. Someone had to live in the real world, and as much as I loved my mom, I knew it wasn’t going to be her.
“I don’t like seeing those pretty blue eyes filled with tears.” Harrison’s foot slid along the side of my leg again, offering comfort.
“Oh, you’ll get used to it,” my mom replied airily.
“Not if I have anything to say about it.” I saw, more than heard, his words since he spoke so lowly. But with my eyes on his lush lips, I knew what he’d said and my heart soared.
“Hush, Bunny.” The smile Stanley sent my mom’s way was soft. “Or else you’ll scare my brother off before we make it to the airport, and then what’ll we do? We can’t just leave Maggie here alone for two weeks.”
It was at this point in the conversation that I usually interjected with all the reasons they could do exactly that, but this time around I didn’t say anything. Now that I’d met him, I didn’t want to risk Stanley having a sudden about-face and deciding Harrison didn’t need to stay with me.
Stanley offered his brother an apologetic smile. “It means a lot to me that you agreed to stay here with Maggie, especially since I know how much you hate small towns like Fentonville.”
“Which just means they already have something in common,” my mom mumbled after she polished off her last bite of garlic bread.
“You’re not a fan of small towns, either?” Harrison asked me.
“Well, I’ve never really been anywhere other than a small town, but I’ve always dreamed of traveling,” I answered shyly, feeling like a stupid teenager as I admitted it.
But Harrison didn’t seem to mind at all. “Maybe I’ll take you to Miami next weekend, show you the sights.”
“Now, Harrison. She’s only seventeen.”
“Eighteen,” I interjected.
Stanley smiled at me a little ruefully. “Yes, sorry. It’s hard to think of my step-daughter being eighteen.” He turned back to Harrison. “Anyway, anything could happen to her in a city like Miami,” Stanley chided.
“Nothing bad will happen to her when she’s with me. Ever.” I shivered at the dark tone in his voice, as though he was ready to fight some imaginary foe to protect me.
“Of course not. I’m sure Harrison will take wonderful care of Magnolia for us,” my mom agreed, jumping up from the table to get the cake off the counter.
As she set it in front of me, my eyes met Harrison’s one last time before I looked down at the lit candles. Then I closed them and made my wish.
Please let Harrison want me as much as I want him.
Chapter Three
It was great to see Bunny and Maggie pulling out another side of Stanley. Just moving in with her had been unexpected of my very traditional brother.
I was grateful for that change because otherwise, I’d most likely have been staying at his place until after the wedding. In one short evening, I was so addicted to Maggie that the thought of being away from her for any length of time had my blood boiling. I wanted to steal her away and have her all to myself. But, I only had to wait two days until we’d be alone. Two fucking days.
Every move Maggie made, every word she spoke, had my dick vehemently disagreeing with the wait. After dinner, we went into the living room to watch a movie. Bunny and Stanley sat on the couch, his arm around her and pulling her close. I sat on the love seat along the next wall. My eyes tracked Maggie’s every step when she entered the room.
She glanced at a purple, over-stuffed recliner, then at the empty spot next to me. One of her hands played with the ends of her hair, curling it round her finger as she contemplated her options. I held my breath, both hoping and dreading that she would sit next to me. It would be sweet torture to have her so near and not be able to touch her.
Finally, she ran her hands through her hair and approached me, taking the seat next to me on the small sofa. There were only a few inches between us and I set my hand down, right in the middle. I could feel the heat radiating from her body through the thin, white material of her shorts. I wanted to slip my fingers inside and see if her pussy was slick. I’d have bet my next paycheck that she was fucking soaked.
I shifted and brought one leg up to rest my ankle on the opposite knee. It gave me a little more room in the groin area and hid my reaction to Maggie from her parents. However, her beautiful blue eyes drifted over, and a sweet pink blush stained her cheeks. She smirked her porn star lips and raised an eyebrow at me. Fuck.
I quickly turned to the movie and tried to think about anything but the sexy as fuck woman sitting next to me. And those lips. Wrapped around my—shit.
Seventeen. Seventeen. Seventeen. I kept repeating to myself. It wasn’t working. My cock knew she would be eighteen in a few hours. I managed to half pay attention to the movie, though, I couldn’t tell you what it was about.
When the credits rolled, I breathed a sigh of relief. Except, when Stanley and Bunny stood up, Maggie didn’t move.
“I’m not tired, I’m going to stay up a little longer,” she said to her mother.
Bunny nodded and came over to kiss her cheek. “Not too late. We have a big day tomorrow.” Then she turned to me and smiled brightly. “You’re in the guest bedroom on this floor, Harrison. There is a bathroom and it’s all stocked, but let me or Maggie know if you need anything.”
I forced a relaxed smile. Maggie was what I needed, but what I said was, “I’ll definitely do that.”
Bunny and Stanley said goodnight and went upstairs for the night. I slowly turned to face Maggie. She was playing with the ends of her hair again as she watched me with a mixture of hunger and apprehension. Her innocence was clear, and a huge fucking turn on. But, she also had a confidence about her that was just as appealing.
“You want to travel someday?” I asked, breaking the ice. Not without an ulterior motive.
Maggie’s face lit up and her mouth widened into a grin. She was so damn gorgeous. “Oh yes. I’ve always wanted to take off and see the world.” Her cheeks turned pink again and she dropped her head down, but looked up at me through her long lashes. “I wish you could take me with you on some of your adventures,” she mumbled shyly.
This girl was perfect. “You don’t want to go to college?” I wanted to take Maggie with me when I left, but I found myself determined to make sure she followed her dreams. I’d have to take a leave of absence from my job so I could stay at home with her while she finished high school. If she wanted to continue her education, I could put in for local assignments until she graduated.
“No,” she said softly. “I’ve only ever wanted to travel and…” she trailed off. She brought her knees up, hugging them to her chest and began playing with her hair again.
I reached out to capture her hand. “And what? You can tell me anything, Maggie.”
Her eyes went soft and she smiled sweetly. “Well, it may seem odd since I’ve spent most of my life caring for my mom, but I’ve—um, I really just want to be a mom.” She studied me anxiously after finishing. Did she think I would laugh?
I ran a finger down her nose and across her velvety lips. “I think that’s great, baby doll. You’ll be an amazing mother.” She flus
hed with delight and hugged her legs tighter. I tugged her arms apart and then put both of my hands on the tops of her knees. “I can make all of that happen for you,” I purred. I hadn’t meant to let that slip out, but I was having a hard time concentrating. The way she was sitting, if I just . . . I pressed her legs apart, baring her center to my gaze. She gasped, and I glanced up to see her blue pools swirling with curiosity and desire.
“Are you a virgin, Maggie?” I asked quietly. It wouldn’t make me want her any less if she wasn’t, but I couldn’t help hoping that I would be the only one to ever see, taste, and be inside her. She nodded and I swallowed hard, resisting the urge to shout to anyone listening that this girl was mine. All fucking mine.
Running a finger along the seam of her shorts, I exhaled heavily and rasped, “I knew you’d be wet for me, baby doll.” The white material between her legs was drenched. I could smell her arousal and it was fucking intoxicating. “Looks like these shorts are ruined. Good thing you weren’t ever going to wear them again.” Finding the right spot, I put pressure on the little nub I knew was hidden in beneath the fabric. She gasped again and instinctively tried to close her legs. I growled and kept them open, circling the area again with one digit.
She whimpered, and I knew I was one sound away from ripping her clothes off and latching my mouth onto her pussy. Quickly, I closed her legs and turned them so they dropped to the floor. She started to say something, but I held up my hand for silence. I needed a minute.
Closing my eyes, I took deep breaths and counted, focusing hard on each number until I finally had myself under control. I was still hard as fucking steel, but at least I knew I wouldn’t lose it and take her on the fucking floor.
I stood and pulled her up with me. “Good night, Maggie.” I kissed her forehead before turning her to face the room’s entrance and patting her plump ass to get her moving.
She put up a little resistance and turned her head to look at me with surprise. “But—I don’t understand. Don’t you want—”
“Fuck, yes, I want,” I growled. I kissed her forehead again to soften my response and chuckled. “That doesn’t mean I’m going to give in and make one of us a felon in most states. Now go on to bed and we’ll talk more about all of this after the wedding.”
She was staring up at me with those big, clear blue eyes, so full of want and I couldn’t resist. I pulled her into my arms and crushed my mouth over hers. Her arms locked around my neck and she molded her body to mine. It felt fucking fantastic and I was desperate to taste her. I skimmed my tongue across the seam of her lips and she immediately opened for me. I groaned and held her tighter with my hands splayed on her back, as my tongue pushed in and tangled with hers.
After a minute, I tore myself away and stepped back, keeping her at arm’s length. “Upstairs, baby doll.”
She licked her lips and I almost gave in to kissing her again but before I did, she spun around and jogged up the stairs.
* * *
My gaze drifted to the digital clock on the night stand for the millionth time since I’d gone to bed. One AM. Then I returned to staring at the ceiling. One AM.
She’d been eighteen for an hour. It took everything I had in me to keep from sneaking up the stairs to claim Maggie. I turned on my side, away from the clock, and punched my pillow, trying to get comfortable. My wood was making it very difficult.
A sound reached my ears and I sat up in bed, looking in the direction from which it came. It was the creak of my door opening. Moonlight was streaming in through a set of glass doors that went out to a patio and it cast a glow over Maggie as she slipped inside the room.
She looked fucking amazing. She was wearing a long, thin, sleep shirt that stretched across her breasts. Her beaded nipples were poking through, making my mouth water.
“What are you doing here, baby doll?” My voice was gruff and too late, I realized how harsh it sounded. Her body froze, the smile on her face slipping and her shoulders sagging.
“Sorry,” she whispered, and started to turn.
“Maggie.” I intended to soothe her worry, assure her I still wanted her and send her back to bed.
She looked back at me over her shoulder and the sight was so innocently seductive, I found myself holding out my hand instead, as my good intentions flew out the window. Her gaze dropped to it and then a sweet smile once again graced her face as she padded over to me.
I sat up and swung my feet over the side of the bed. Taking her wrists, I tugged her forward until she was forced to climb onto my lap, straddling me. Her T-shirt rode up her thick thighs and I saw a peek of underwear between her legs. Thank fuck. I was also extremely grateful that I’d chosen to sleep in my boxer briefs, instead of naked. Both layers of underwear weren’t much protection, but it was something.
Sliding my hands up her legs and under her top, I held her at the waist. Her heated skin burned the pads of my fingers and sent sparks of electricity throughout my entire body.
“I’m sorry, babe.” I punctuated my apology with a kiss to the tip of her nose. “I didn’t mean to sound angry. It’s just that I want you so much, having you here is torture.”
“But, it’s after midnight,” she said, scooting close until her tits were pressed against me, those hard little peaks digging into my chest. “I’m eighteen.”
I couldn’t resist a kiss on her plush lips, getting a small taste to hold me over until I could feast. She moaned and squirmed, prompting me to tighten my grip on her and keep her from moving around on my cock. I was hard enough as it was.
“Patience, Maggie,” I chuckled. “Now isn’t the right time. I don’t want to have to rush. When we are finally going to be together, I’m going to explore every inch of this sinful body. I’ll make sure that your first time is incredible.”
She moaned and her lips searched out mine. We made out like teenagers for the next ten minutes. My hand glided down from her waist to dip inside her panties and swipe through her slit.
I groaned at the feel of her arousal, it was drenched. She shuddered as I ran my finger up and down. After a few rotations around her clit, I bought my finger to my mouth and sucked it inside. Maggie watched me with hooded eyes and moaned, “Harrison.”
Hearing my name fall from her lips was more than I could take. I grabbed her ass and stood, swiftly pivoting and laying her down gently on the bed. Unlocking her legs from around my waist, I let them fall over the side. Then I dropped to my knees and pushed her legs open wide. I leaned in and took a deep inhale. “You smell delicious, baby doll, and you taste even better. I need more of your sweetness on my tongue.”
Slowly, I dragged her panties down and off, tossing them onto the nightstand. Her shirt had already ridden up so I had an unobstructed view of her sex. “So pretty,” I murmured. “Pink and so wet.” I lowered my head and dragged my tongue up her center.
“Yesss!” she hissed. I grinned to myself. My Maggie may have been untouched, but it was obvious that there was a sexual tigress hiding out inside her. I fully intended to bring her out in full force, eventually. And, I had a feeling my girl would be loud. Just the thought of her shouting my name as she came had pre-come leaking from my tip. But, for now, I’d have to keep her quiet.
“Hush, baby doll. We don’t want your parents to hear me eating your sweet little pussy. Can you be quiet?”
I looked up to see Maggie biting her lip and when our eyes met, her head jerked up and down. I smiled and kissed her pelvis. “Good girl.” Then I went back to work on her, licking and sucking until she was shaking with need. She whimpered and I stopped, giving her a warning look.
Her lips formed a thin, straight line and she clenched her jaw. Returning to my task, I added a finger to my ministrations. “Fuck, Maggie, you’re so tight. I’m going to need to stretch you so you can take all of me.” I worked her until I was able to fit a second finger inside. Fuck, she was snug, and come dripped from my dick as I imagined what it would feel like to replace those digits with my cock.
ping my fingers in and out, licking, suckling, and a bite here and there, had her primed and about to fall. She whimpered, so I reached up and clapped a hand over her mouth before curling my fingers and drawing her little clit into my mouth. Her muffled scream shot fire straight to my groin and I almost came right along with her.
I worked her through her shudders until the feel of her pulse on my tongue had evened out. Then I kissed each thigh before getting to my feet. Pulling her shirt down, I helped her move so she was lying fully on the bed and I could climb in next to her. I gathered her in my arms and held her close, tucking her face into my neck and kissing the top of her head. “Next time,” I grunted. “I’m going to have your cherry, baby doll.” Her hand drifted down to palm my erection and I quickly caught the limb and brought it up to brush my lips across the back. “Next time.”
It didn’t take long for her breath to even out, but I stayed awake, holding her, and wishing I didn’t have to send her back to her own bed. At around four in the morning, I kissed her softly. “Wake up, baby doll. You need to get back to your own bed before someone finds us in here together.” She groaned and burrowed deeper into my chest, making me chuckle. She was so damn cute.
It took me a good ten minutes to rouse her enough to get her up and moving. I walked with her to the door and pulled her into my arms for a lingering kiss. It would have to hold us for a while. “Good night, sweet Maggie,” I whispered.
Chapter Four
“Wakey, wakey, eggs and bakey.”
I woke up to my mom’s sing-song voice. Opening bleary eyes, I found her standing at my doorway. Considering I barely remembered leaving Harrison’s bed down the hall a few hours ago, it was quite startling. I lifted my hand to my chest and was happy to find I was wearing my usual sleep shirt, so there wasn’t anything out of the norm to make her suspicious. Or I didn’t think there was, until I scooted down the bed a little and realized I wasn’t wearing any panties.