Family Affairs: Volume 1 Read online

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  “Breakfast’s ready, sleepy head,” she continued. “Now that you’re up, I’ll go wake Harrison so we can enjoy a quiet family moment before the insanity begins.”

  “No!” I yelped, jumping off the mattress as I remembered exactly where my panties were—smack dab on top of the nightstand in Harrison’s room. My mom was oblivious most of the time, but I doubted she’d miss seeing them when she went in to wake him up. It wasn’t as if she was blind, after all.

  “Oh, dear. Are you okay, Magnolia?”

  “Yes, sorry. Didn’t mean to startle you,” I breathed out, wrapping my arms around her waist after she moved forward to give me a hug. “It’s just that today and tomorrow should be all about you. Why don’t you head downstairs, get yourself a mug of tea, and I’ll make sure Harrison is up before I join you and dish up breakfast?”

  She bent down to squeeze me tightly before stepping away to look at me with tear-filled eyes. “I’m not sure what I ever did to deserve such an amazing daughter, but I’m so grateful for you either way.”

  Guilt stabbed me in the gut as I watched her walk away since tricking her into letting me wake Harrison up wasn’t amazing. Not at all. In fact, it was the opposite, considering he was my soon-to-be uncle who’d given me my first orgasm. I wanted to keep that from my mom until I was more certain what was going to happen between Harrison and me. My motives were purely selfish, but I couldn’t find it in myself to feel too guilty about it. Not with the way he made me feel last night—and in the wee hours of the morning.

  I rushed through getting ready. A quick brush of my teeth and hair. Tossing on some clothes. A swipe of cherry flavored lip gloss. Then I went down to Harrison’s room and knocked softly on the door before cracking it open to peek my head inside. My breath stilled in my chest when I found him sprawled on the mattress, shirtless, and with the sheet wrapped around his lean hips.

  I’d felt all those sun-kissed inches of skin on his chest under my fingers, but I hadn’t really had the chance to appreciate them. There hadn’t been much light, only the moonlight streaming in through the glass doors. Even if it had been as bright as it was this morning, I didn’t think it would have mattered because it hadn’t taken long before I’d been unable to concentrate on anything other than what we’d been doing. Those long, drugging kisses. Our tongues tangled together, the taste of him filling my mouth. And then the feel of his mouth on my—um—down there, after he’d flipped me onto my back. It had been better than anything I’d ever imagined.

  A quick glance at the nightstand made me gasp lightly. My panties were nowhere to be found. But then I caught a glimpse of pale pink peeking out from under the pillowcase, right next to Harrison’s arm. Shutting the door behind me as softly as I could, I crept forward and whispered, “Harrison.”

  “Maggie,” he murmured sleepily, his voice low and raspy.

  Just the sound of him saying my name had me wanting to climb in beside him, but that wasn’t an option with my mom and his brother waiting for us in the kitchen. Which meant I needed to do something quick so I didn’t fall victim to the temptation he presented. “Whatcha doing with my panties?”

  Was that a little hint of pink rising up on his cheeks as he tucked them deeper under the pillow?

  “Mine,” he growled, reaching his arm out and wrapping his hand around my waist to pull me towards him.

  “Harrison,” I breathed out. “We can’t. Mom and Stanley are up. Breakfast is ready, and I convinced my mom to let me wake you up because I thought she’d find my panties on your nightstand and the jig would be up. Little did I know you slept with them after you shuffled me out of your room.”

  “Wanted the smell of you around me while I slept.”

  “Oh my goodness.” There went the panties I’d just slipped on not even five minutes ago. Drenched by the words he rasped, making it even harder not to join him in the bed just so he could remove this pair the same way he had the other ones.

  “Gimme a kiss, and then I’ll let you go.”

  I leaned down and rubbed my lips against his for a brief moment before his hands fisted my hair. Then he took over, tilting my head as he plundered my mouth until I was panting for breath and shaking with need.

  “Mmm, cherry.” His tongue flicked out to swipe across his bottom lip after he pulled away. “Were you thinking about the one I’m gonna pop soon when you picked out your lip gloss?”

  “Ummm,” I gulped. I hadn’t been, but I couldn’t seem to form any words.

  “You better head out before your mom or my brother come here looking for you and get more than they bargained for.”

  “Uh-huh,” I agreed dazedly.

  “Go on, baby doll.” He turned me around and gave me a little swat on my butt. “I’ll be right behind you.”

  * * *

  The rest of the day flew by in a whirlwind of activity. I made about a million phone calls, making sure everything was in order for the rehearsal dinner tonight and the wedding tomorrow. I answered just about as many questions since everyone knew I was the point person instead of the bride. My mom wasn’t quick to make decisions, so it was easier for me to handle stuff for her since I knew what she liked.

  Luckily, the rehearsal went off without a hitch—unless you considered me staring at Harrison the whole time a hitch. It had been impossible for me to pull my eyes away from him as he stood next to Stanley on the opposite side of the aisle from my mom and me. With his whiskey colored orbs locked on mine, I listened with half an ear to the directions the minister was giving. It wasn’t until my mom flung her arm around my shoulder to lead me forward that I even realized the rehearsal was over and it was time to head to the restaurant.

  I’d requested a private dining room when I’d made the arrangements at the restaurant where Stanley had taken my mom for their first date. It was a quaint little Italian place that served the most amazing pasta in town, and since I’d gone to school with the owner’s son since Kindergarten, I knew they’d make it super special for my mom. And boy, had I been right. Our group was seated at a long table covered with a crisp white cloth. There were three centerpieces filled with a wild array of colorful flowers, and each place setting had a deep purple charger plate in front of it. Mine and my mom’s favorite color.

  “It’s perfect!” she squealed, settling into her seat in the middle of the table. Stanley was to her right, and I was to her left. As the best man, Harrison was seated next to his brother, two too many seats away from me.

  The waiter came around with a bottle of champagne, filling everyone’s glasses, including mine. “A toast!” Harrison called out, rising to his feet and moving to stand behind my mom and his brother, with his hand resting on the back of my chair. His fingers brushed against my neck, making me shiver as I lifted my glass in the air along with everyone else.

  Stanley’s eyes shot to my glass and then to my mom. He leaned over and whispered in her ear, and she reached out to snatch the champagne away from me. She took a big gulp out of it, drinking about half the contents, and then handed it back to me. “There, a tiny bit won’t hurt now that you’re eighteen.”

  Harrison leaned low and whispered in my ear, “I’ll make sure one of our first stops is France so you can have all the champagne you want.”

  I leaned back, my eyes on him as he made his toast and moved back to his seat. Through the appetizers, the main course, and dessert, I found my neck craning in his direction often, so I could catch a glimpse of him. Each time I did, it was as though a sensor went off and he looked right back at me. After a couple of hours, dinner was finally over and I was following my mom and Stanley out of the restaurant, with Harrison right behind me, when I heard my name called out. Turning to look to the right, I caught sight of a familiar face before I was wrapped up in a hug that lasted only about a half of a second before Enzo, the owner’s son and a childhood friend, was ripped away from me.

  “What the hell?” he grunted.

  “Get your hands off her,” Harrison growled, holding Enzo by
his collar.

  A quick glance over my shoulder showed me that my mom and Stanley had already made it out the door. I heaved a deep sigh of relief before focusing on the situation at hand. Laying my hand on Harrison’s upper arm, I stepped forward until I was right next to him. “It’s okay. Enzo’s a friend from school.”

  Harrison narrowed his eyes, flicking a glance between the two of us and I shook my head no. “Friends,” I repeated. “Nothing more.”

  Enzo held his hands up. “Dude, I didn’t mean anything by it.”

  Harrison let go and dropped his arm around my waist. He didn’t apologize, and I had a feeling it was because he didn’t think he’d done anything wrong. I only had time to flash Enzo a brief smile and a wave before Harrison hustled me towards the door. As he pushed it open for me, he lowered his head and confirmed my suspicions—he wasn’t the least bit sorry. “Nobody touches what’s mine, baby doll. And you’re very much mine.”

  Chapter Five


  I spent the majority of the night in my hotel room tossing and turning. Bunny and Stanley had decided to follow tradition and spend the night before their wedding apart. Leaving without kissing my girl goodnight was one of the hardest things I’ve ever done. At least, I’d thought so at the time. I soon discovered that I wouldn’t sleep well without her near.

  What if that little punk tried to climb into her room? Bunny wouldn’t be any kind of help. She’d probably unlock the window and lower a rope. I growled at nobody in particular, the thought irritating the shit out of me.

  Finally, I couldn’t take it any longer. I climbed out of bed and threw on a black T-shirt and basketball shorts in the same color. After grabbing my keys and wallet, I made my way to the parking lot and drove off. I parked a couple of houses down and walked the rest of the way to Maggie’s house. Crossing the lawn, I looked up to the window where I knew her room was located.

  I was in great shape, but I still wasn’t a teenager anymore, so even if this was a movie scene with the perfect tree for me to climb, I’d probably fall and break my neck.

  Silently, I creeped around to the backyard and tested the sliding door into my room. I didn’t know whether to be grateful or furious that it was unlocked. It glided open and I went in, closing it behind me. Then, with the experience of years of staying silent and invisible in order to photograph animals and other skittish subjects, I made my way upstairs to Maggie.

  Her door was cracked open and I pushed it further so I could step inside. After closing it behind me, I twisted the lock slowly so it wouldn’t click. Walking over to her bed, I drank in the sight of my sweet girl sleeping, curled around her pillow, and breathing evenly. She looked like an angel with her silvery hair spread across the pillow, her plump lips slightly parted, and her pale skin luminescent in the glow from the night sky.

  Tonight, she was wearing a short, cotton nightgown with spaghetti straps that showed off her beautiful collarbone and shoulder, and exposed a great deal of her long, gorgeous legs. As my erection swelled painfully, I vaguely wondered if I would always be this affected by her. I hoped so.

  Gently, I pushed her gown up and hooked my fingers into the waistband of her panties. I pulled them down and stuffed them in my pocket, then pushed the gown higher until it was above her breasts. Holy fuck. Those were the most incredible tits I had ever seen.

  Maggie was a heavy sleeper, but she finally stirred as I pulled her pajamas completely off. “Harrison?” she asked sleepily.

  “You better not have been expecting to wake up and find someone else undressing you, baby doll.” I grunted as I stood up and whipped my shirt off. I left my shorts on, very aware of my limits. Maggie was all creamy skin and lush curves, and I could have stood there and stared at her all night. But, I craved the feel of her against me.

  “What are you doing here?”

  I didn’t answer, just slipped into her bed and adjusted her so we were spooning. When her naked back pressed to my chest, our skin sizzled. My hard on was nestled in the crack of her ass, one arm under her head, the other cupping her breast. She wiggled and I gave it a squeeze. “Quit squirming and go to sleep, baby doll.” She sighed in disappointment and I buried my smile in her hair. “I promise to take care of you tomorrow night, sweet Maggie. For now, I just want to hold you.”

  She sighed again, but this time, it had an air of contentment. I kissed her temple and tucked her in a little closer before finally falling asleep.

  * * *

  The best light for photographs is usually dawn and dusk. After spending so many years waking early for the good shots, my internal clock always woke me as the sun started to rise.

  At some point in the night, Maggie had turned over and snuggled deep into my embrace, her face buried in my chest. Her soft breaths heated my skin and one of her legs was haphazardly thrown on both of mine. It was sexy as hell, but her mother would be up in a few hours and my brother would be knocking on my hotel room door.

  I lifted her face with a finger under her chin and kissed her softly. “I have to go, baby doll.” She grumbled and tried to burrow in further. She was so fucking cute, it spread warmth through my blood. I repeated the previous action. “Wake up for just a minute, Maggie.”

  Her eyelids fluttered and soon I was looking down into her sky blue eyes, still cloudy with sleep. “Don’t go,” she begged. It almost broke my resolve, but I held strong.

  “I think we should talk and have some time to ourselves before we tell anyone about us, don’t you agree?” She nodded reluctantly. I rewarded her acceptance with a brush of my lips over hers. “Then I should go before I’m discovered in your room.” Her bottom lip turned out in a pout and I leaned down to nibble on it, making her giggle.

  “Get some more sleep, baby doll. I’ll see you down the aisle.” I started to slip out of bed, then paused and turned back to her. “It’ll be good practice.” Her eyes widened and her cheeks turned bright pink, but a small smile graced her lips.

  Getting out of bed, I grabbed my shirt and put it on, then headed for her door. I had just grabbed the handle when I heard her hiss my name. I halted and twisted my head to look at her over my shoulder. She’d put her nightgown back on and was glaring at me. “Did you take my underwear again?”

  I smirked and left the room as silently as I’d entered. Once I was back at the hotel, I laid down to try and rest for a couple more hours. It was a fruitless endeavor because every time I closed my eyes all I could see was Maggie’s naked body. Fuck. That girl could be a fucking porn star with that body, those lips . . . not that anyone but me would ever see her assets.

  I gave up after a while and got up to take a long, hot shower. After getting ready, I sat down to go through shots from my last assignment. When Stanley showed up, I’d just finished writing my article and had sent it and the photos I’d chosen to my editor. I’d also sent a quick note about having a chat about my next few assignments.

  Stanley and I ordered room service and shot the shit for an hour or so. It had been a really long time since we’d been able to just sit down and visit like that.

  “You seem really happy,” I observed.

  He grinned almost dreamily . . . a look I had rarely, if ever, seen on him. “I am. Bunny is—she’s—I don’t even know how to describe it. She’s amazing.” He leaned back in his chair and relaxed. “And Maggie. I couldn’t have asked for a better step-daughter. From the first moment she realized how much I loved her mother, she’s been completely supportive of our relationship. She’s bright, mature, smart, and such a joy to be around.”

  I listened silently, afraid that if I commented, if only to agree, that he would hear the truth of my feelings for Maggie in my voice.

  “She’s taken care of Bunny for so long,” he continued. “I’m hoping now that I’m here to take over that task, she’ll take the opportunity to just be a kid for a while.”

  I grunted and he seemed to take it as an agreement. At eleven o’clock, we gathered our things and left the hotel for the
church. The ceremony was set to start at noon, so we weren’t surprised to see several cars already in the lot. The girls would have gotten there a while ago to start getting ready.

  We took our places at the alter at ten till as the last of the guests were seated. Another few minutes went by and then a woman seated at a black grand piano began to play the sweet, joyful tune of Music Box Dancer. The back door opened and Maggie stepped into the room, causing all of the air in my lungs to rush out.

  She was dressed in a strapless lavender gown. The corset top had gathered material to her waist where it smoothed and flared out, falling to her feet. Her blonde curls were swept up behind her head and her blue eyes sparkled as she caught my eye and smiled.

  She slowly moved down the aisle and as she neared, her gaze lowered so she wasn’t blatantly staring at me. I wanted to lift her head back up so I could still see her beautiful eyes, but I dutifully stayed in my spot. As soon as she took her place, the music switched to a cello and piano rendition of My Love by Paul McCartney.

  I assumed Bunny had entered and was making her way towards Stanley, but all I could see was Maggie. I pictured her dress in white and the two of us standing alone in front of the arch where Stanley and Bunny met to make their vows.

  The ceremony was over before I’d even realized it had begun. I gave Stanley a typical guy hug, pounding him on the back. “Congratulations, brother.” He grinned and started to turn to his bride, but stopped and looked at me.

  “Your turn, Harrison,” he said.

  I laughed and shook my head airily. “I’ll work on that.” My tone had a sarcastic edge to it, but as soon as his back was turned, my attention diverted to Maggie. He had no idea that work was already in progress. I’d found the one for me and I wasn’t going to wait to officially make her mine.