Dax: Silver Saints MC Read online


  Silver Saints MC

  Fiona Davenport

  Copyright © 2021 by Fiona Davenport

  Cover designed by Elle Christensen

  Edited by Editing4Indies

  All rights reserved.

  No part of this book may be reproduced in any form or by any electronic or mechanical means, including information storage and retrieval systems, without written permission from the author, except for the use of brief quotations in a book review.

  Created with Vellum



  1. Dax

  2. Arya

  3. Dax

  4. Arya

  5. Dax

  6. Arya

  7. Dax

  8. Dax

  9. Arya

  10. Dax

  11. Arya



  About the Author


  David “Dax” Xavier knew he was supposed to stay away from Arya Rossi. Not only was she too young for him…Arya was the sister of one of his Silver Saints MC brothers. But even Nova’s threat of death to anyone who touched her wasn’t enough to keep Dax from claiming Arya for himself.

  Arya didn’t know she was delivering herself to her own kidnapping, but she didn’t complain when she found herself alone in a cabin with the man who’d been starring in her fantasies. If Dax wanted her on the back of his bike, she was more than willing. No matter what her brother had to say about their relationship.



  “You’ve got your assignments,” Mac—our prez—said gruffly, looking around the Silver Saints MC clubhouse lounge. “Questions?”

  “Can I have the floor for a minute?” Nova asked. He was leaning against the pool table with one hip, his arms were crossed over his chest, and his eyes held a deadly gleam.

  Damn, he was pissed as fuck about something.

  Mac gestured for him to step up, then took Nova’s place at the pool table.

  “My sister is coming to visit for her spring break.” Nova’s dark eyes slowly scanned the room, the warning in his expression crystal clear. “I know it goes without saying, but I’m telling you all anyway. Stay the fuck away from her. She’s off-limits. If any of you puts even a single finger on her, be prepared to lose it...and your balls.”

  I rolled my eyes. “She’s like fifteen, bro. Some of these jokers may be hard up because they’re so fuckin’ ugly, but none of us are that stupid.”

  Nova threw me a dirty look, making me grin in return just to fuck with him. “You had your head up your ass the past couple of years, Dax? You’ve met her every year when she stays with me for her break. She’ll be eighteen in a couple of months.”

  I shrugged. She was still just a kid. What did it matter if I didn’t remember her age?

  “That all?” Mac asked. Nova nodded, and our prez dismissed everyone.

  Breaker, who’d dropped onto the comfy leather couch next to me at the start of the meeting, leaned over. “Would you even recognize that she’s a woman, dude? Pretty sure your bed springs have frozen from not being bounced on in…” He stopped and scratched his head as if contemplating, then he smirked. “Wait, are you a virgin?”

  I grunted and cuffed him on the back of the head before jumping to my feet and stalking out of the room. Breaker might have been joking, but he wasn’t all that far off. I’d never been big on casual sex and had lost interest in relationships years ago. I honestly couldn’t remember the last woman I’d been with. It didn’t bother me, though. If the right woman came along, that would change, but I was content with my life even if it never happened.

  Besides, there were enough love-sick brothers around here to make me confident in my choice to remain alone. I did have to admit, though, the babies were fucking adorable, and Uncle Dax had no problem spoiling the shit out of them.

  “Uncle Dax!” Speaking of the little midgets, Molly—Mac’s oldest daughter—came running down the hall, and I grabbed her up seconds before she crashed into me. She was a little thing, like her momma, but even at eight, she was just the right height to hit me in the crown jewels if she lost her balance and skidded into me. It only took a couple of times of being curled up on the floor in the fetal position with my brothers laughing their asses off for me to learn to catch her first.

  “Mommy said I’ve got a new friend coming!”

  Bridget sighed as she caught up to her daughter. “Sorry, we still haven’t been able to curb her tendency to run full steam ahead without thinking.”

  I grinned and threw my little bit in the air, making her shriek with laughter. “I hope she never changes,” I declared with a wink at Molly.

  “I’m so excited! Mommy said my new friend will be here in two days, and I gets to show her around the clubhouse!”

  I looked at Bridget, confused. We rarely allowed people who weren’t patches, prospects, old ladies, or someone who needed our protection in our clubhouse. Did Molly mean that she was going to give the friend a tour of her house? It was attached to the back of the building, so I could see how she would have misspoken.

  “Nova’s sister is arriving in the morning on Saturday, and he won’t be back from the run until late. He asked me and Molly to keep her company,” Bridget explained.

  “Makes sense,” I agreed. “Nova needs you to be her bodyguard, huh, little bit?”

  Molly’s chest puffed out, and she gave me a cute glare as she did a decent jab to my chest. “Totally. I’ll keep all the drooling bastards away from her!”

  Bridget gasped while I choked and coughed from holding in my burst of laughter. Molly started pounding me on the back with an overly concerned frown.

  “Jared Mackenzie!” Bridget shouted as she stomped toward the hallway that led to the prez’s office. Glancing back over her shoulder, she asked, “Can you watch Molly for a few minutes?”

  I nodded because I still couldn’t speak. “I got this, Mommy,” Molly announced confidently.

  And that was how the big, badass biker called Uncle Dax ended up skipping around the clubhouse pretending to be a noble steed carrying his princess.

  * * *

  Two days later

  I walked up to the kitchen and a heavenly scent floated to my nose. Inhaling deeply, I wondered what the girls were baking today. Bridget, Cat, and some of the other old ladies liked to experiment in the kitchen. The results were always delicious, but this smell was different somehow.

  Strolling into the large room, I halted abruptly in my tracks when I found myself staring at the most perfect ass I’d ever seen in my life. All the blood in my body rushed straight to my groin. The woman’s skirt was so short, I could see a hint of her lacy white panties until she pulled something out of the oven and stood. It was hot as fuck, but then my mood immediately soured at the realization that if I’d seen them, anyone else could have too.

  But I was distracted from my unexpected moment of lunacy—who was jealous of a chick they’d never even met—by the sensuous movement of her body. The tray held cookies, yet I immediately knew the mouthwatering aroma I’d smelled before was her. Her body was lean and sleek, medium height. She had long, dark brown hair that hung in soft waves to the top of her ass. When she turned to set the tray on the counter and gave me a view of her profile, I sucked in a sharp breath at how fucking beautiful she was.

  The sound must have drawn her attention because she turned toward me, and I promptly swallowed my tongue. She had big, twinkling brown eyes, a cute nose, and a rosebud mouth that was meant to be wrapped around my shaft.

  Her tits were small but perfectly shaped for my hands. She was thin, but not skinny, all toned muscle and smooth tan skin. Her hips still had the sweetest swell, an
d I knew they would be perfect for one of my hands to hold while the other yanked her gorgeous long hair as I pumped my cock into her tight pussy.

  I shook my head trying to dispel the images before my big, hard dick broke through my jeans and scared the shit out of her.

  She smiled as her gaze swept over me. When her eyes returned to my face, they were filled with heat. That was the moment she sealed her fate. This woman was mine. I didn’t care who I had to go through to have her. In the end, she would be wearing my cut and ring, while carrying my baby in her belly.

  “Dax,” I managed to grunt.

  “Pardon?” she asked with a sweet giggle.

  I cleared my throat and sauntered over to lean against the counter a foot or so from her.

  “I’m Dax.”

  “Oh! Right...um, I know.” She blushed, and it was sexy as fuck. “I’m Arya.”

  And just like that, the world crashed and burned around me.

  Fuck. This was Nova’s sister. His almost eighteen-year-old sister.

  I should’ve turned on my heel and walked out. Left her behind and forgot all about her. I should have done a lot of things. Everything but what I did.

  Instead, I closed the distance between us and cupped her neck, pulling her in for a quick but deep kiss. It would have to hold me for a couple of months.

  When I pulled back, her eyes were glazed, her skin flushed, and her lips a little swollen. So very fuckable.

  “Stay away from other men,” I commanded. “Including the little fuckers you go to school with. Do you understand? No one touches you.”

  “Umm…” She looked confused, but she nodded, making me feel a little less on edge.

  “See you soon, baby.” With one more fast but softer kiss, I stalked from the kitchen to go hide like a fucking coward in my room.

  I watched her from afar all week, but never got close or let her know I was there. My good girl kept her distance from any men, scurrying away if they attempted to touch her.

  When she finally left to go home, I was torn between relief and anguish. The only way I was able to keep myself from going after her was by putting a plan into motion. I had two months to get everything ready, and then I was coming for her.

  I had been completely serious when I’d laid claim to her. She was mine, and no one was going to stand in my way—not even Nova. And my plan would make sure of it.



  “Arya,” the girl sitting behind me hissed after kicking my chair. I jerked awake, my eyes popping open as my head whipped up. Luckily, our calculus teacher hadn’t noticed that I had fallen asleep because he was busy scribbling on the board. He was still working on the solution to the same problem from when I’d started to drift off, so my eyes must have only been closed for a minute or two. He was enough of a jerk that he’d drop my semester grade even though I’d never gotten into trouble during his class before. Unfortunately, he liked the sound of his own voice a little too much, which made it hard to stay awake when I was so darn tired.

  Sneaking a quick glance over my shoulder, I whispered, “Thanks.”

  While Mr. Martin finished his long and boring monologue about the solution to a question that wasn’t even going to be on our final exam, I bit back another yawn. I’d never had a problem with insomnia before, but I hadn’t been sleeping all that great the past two months—ever since I’d gotten home from my trip to see my brother during spring break.

  I hadn’t been able to get the kiss Dax laid on me out of my head. It could’ve been because I’d never really been kissed beyond a quick press of lips before. Or maybe it was how my knees had gone weak while his tongue explored my mouth. Then again, it might’ve been the gruffness in his deep voice when he warned me to stay away from other guys since that had just about made my panties spontaneously combust. His commanding tone had made the already sexy sergeant at arms for the Silver Saints MC even hotter, which should’ve been impossible. With his thick, strawberry blond hair that was short on the sides but long on top, full beard, green eyes, and tall, muscular build, Dax had been the star of a lot of my fantasies for the past year or so. In my dreams, he’d done a whole lot more than kiss me, but the reality of having his mouth devour mine blew away anything my imagination had come up with.

  Whatever the reason, I’d spent way more time reliving Dax’s kiss than studying for finals. It was a good thing that my grades were high enough that I could almost flunk the tests for most of my classes without dropping my grade point average. Not that it would’ve been a huge deal since my parents didn’t pay much attention to my report cards, and I wasn’t planning on going to college. But my brother would have gotten worried, and I had a feeling that Nova wouldn’t be happy with me telling him that I let my grades tank because I was obsessing over one of his club brothers.

  Nova was ten years older than me, and he took his big brother duties seriously, even from afar. His relationship with our parents wasn’t great, but he called me at least once a week to check in and make sure everything was going okay. Ever since I hit my teen years, those conversations always included questions about boys—and a reminder that he was more than willing to come back home to kick some butt if anyone broke my heart. Not that any of the boys who went to school with me tried to ask me out. People still gossiped about the trouble Nova got into when he was a student here, and the talk always took a turn for the worse when my brother visited and our neighbors were reminded that he was in a motorcycle club.

  It had always been easy for me to laugh off Nova’s concerns about me dating when we talked. If I’d ever been tempted to like a boy around here, those feelings would have been quickly squashed the first time he repeated something stupid about my brother. The way everyone treated Nova around here was a big part of why I wanted to leave town as soon as I graduated. It was also the original reason I’d fibbed to him about my graduation date. I knew he wouldn’t want to miss the ceremony, and I didn’t want him stuck in the audience with a bunch of judgy people who I couldn’t care less about.

  Little had I known when I’d given Nova a date a full two weeks later than the actual graduation that my lie would be so useful later. But when the bell finally rang, signaling the conclusion of Mr. Martin’s torture by math and the end of the last regular school day before finals, I knew it was finally time to put my little plan into action.

  Leaping out of my chair, I raced toward the door to beat the crowd out of the building. Once I was close to home without anyone near, I stepped off the sidewalk and ducked behind a big oak tree in front of one of our neighbor’s houses. The couple who lived there were out of town, so I knew nobody would be able to listen in while I made a call. I tossed my backpack on the ground, pulled my cell phone out of my pocket, and dropped down onto the grass.

  A couple of years ago when I was visiting my brother, he’d put a few phone numbers into my contacts. He’d wanted me to be able to reach someone in the club if he was out of contact for too long, but I’d never expected to use them. I was lucky he’d been thinking ahead, though, because now I had Dax’s number without having to ask Nova for it.

  After scrolling down to his name, I took a deep breath and jabbed my finger against the screen before I lost my nerve. I bit my bottom lip and let out a little puff of air when Dax picked up. “You okay, baby?”

  When he’d called me baby after kissing me, I’d thought it was something special for just me. But hearing his greeting, I couldn’t help wondering if he used the term of endearment for all the women in his life since he had no way of knowing I was the one calling him. I felt as though my heart was being ripped from my body and was getting ready to disconnect the call when he barked, “Arya, fuck. Say something to let me know you’re okay.” An engine revved in the background. “If you can’t talk because someone’s hurt you, baby, you’ve gotta know I’ll find you and fix whatever the fuck happened.”

  “I’m sorry,” I gasped as I finally came to my senses with his vow ringing in my ears. “I didn’t mean to freak
you out.”

  “You’re good?”

  My lips curved up in a tiny grin at how relieved he sounded. “Yeah.”

  He turned off his bike, and the background noise on his end quieted. “Maybe we just had a bad connection. I couldn’t hear you for a minute there.”

  “Um, no. The connection is fine. That was all me,” I admitted softly, twirling a lock of my hair around my index finger.

  “Did you call me just to hear my voice because you missed me?” I swore I could practically hear his smug grin just by his tone alone.

  I rolled my eyes before replying, “No, I really did have a reason for calling.”

  “Were you surprised I answered?”

  Crap, he wasn’t going to let me tell him why I needed to talk to him until I fessed up to why I’d been quiet for so long. My cheeks filled with heat as I awkwardly whispered, “I, um, might’ve thought that you thought someone else was calling you when you answered the way you did.”

  He zoned right in on my issue. “Because I called you baby?”

  “Yeah.” Nobody could see me, but I still ducked my head and let my hair fall around my face so there was another barrier between me and the world. Being into a guy was a whole new experience for me, and my heart just had to go and pick a guy who could have anyone he wanted, leaving me feeling extra vulnerable.

  “I should’ve been clear when I warned you about other guys, so you wouldn’t worry. There’s nobody else for me either, Arya. Just you, baby,” he swore.