Dax: Silver Saints MC Read online

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  My lips formed a perfect circle as I gasped, “Oh.”

  “Yeah, so don’t you ever fucking worry about me when it comes to some other woman. I’d never pull that kind of shit on you,” he added.

  Loving how Dax put himself out there for me and didn’t try to play games, I had a huge smile on my face when I asked, “Because my brother would kick your butt if you broke my heart?”

  “Nova is gonna kick my ass regardless, baby.” His deep chuckle sent goose bumps up my arms. “But I’ll take whatever he gives me with a smile on my face as long as you’re mine.”

  My heart melted at the idea that Dax was willing to fight with my brother if that was what it took to be with me. Not that I ever wanted it to happen. “Maybe he’ll go easy on you if my plan to surprise him with a visit in a couple of weeks to celebrate our birthdays works.”

  “You’re planning on coming down here to surprise Nova?”

  “Yup.” I gave him all the details for what I wanted to do—without mentioning that the biggest reason I wanted to do all of this was because I couldn’t wait to see him again. “Could you maybe help me throw the party together and keep everything a secret from Nova?”

  There was a long moment of silence that made me a little nervous, but then Dax rasped, “Damn straight, I can.”



  I doubted the smile on my face could get any bigger. Arya had unknowingly given me the perfect opportunity to set things in motion. I’d been prepared to go retrieve her, but having Arya come to me would make things much smoother.

  And arriving while Nova was out on a run...Yeah, this was perfect. Unfortunately, she’d be missing the party she was planning, but I couldn’t muster up any guilt over it. Not when it meant Arya would finally be mine.

  I intended to kidnap her the moment her car entered the compound.

  Through a connection of Patriot, the MC’s Captain, I’d borrowed a cabin in the mountains—after threatening to beat him to a bloody pulp if he breathed a word of my location to Nova. The threat was enough to shut the Captain up, but Patriot wasn’t a chatty guy in the first place. Plus, I outranked them both.

  Going through another brother gave me a little more time because the cabin wasn’t directly connected to me. The extra degree of separation should make it harder for Nova to track us down. I intended to make sure Arya was irrevocably tied to me before that happened.

  I’d be putting a ring on her finger as soon as possible, but that didn’t guarantee Nova wouldn’t do anything stupid. Brother or not, I would kill Nova if he tried to take my woman from me. But I knew that would make Arya unhappy, so I wanted to avoid that scenario.

  The only thing that was fool proof was putting my baby in Arya. I’d been dreaming of her with a big, round belly since the first moment I’d thought of it. I couldn’t wait to bury my cock in her tight little pussy and fill her with so much come there was no doubt she’d be pregnant.

  A frown creased my brow as I thought about the one obstacle to my plan. I’d have to take care of that shit immediately.

  “Dax?” Arya’s sweet voice came over the line, drawing me back into our conversation.

  “How can I help, baby?” I asked while my mind was turning over options for how to find out what I really wanted to know.

  Arya began speaking and I catalogued everything she said, but the only information that really stuck with me was her arrival date and time. I’d help her orchestrate the party, though. It would give us an even better head start.

  My girl paused for a moment, and my mouth blurted out my question before my brain thought better of it. “Are you on birth control?” I immediately wanted to bang my head against a wall. Smooth, Dax. Real smooth.

  Other than a quick intake of breath, she was silent long enough for me to worry that I’d freaked her out. I knew I should say something to brush it off and put her back at ease.

  “Arya,” I growled in warning. “Answer me.” Fucking hell, dude. Are you trying to send her running away from you? I’d obviously lost all control over my mouth.

  “Um, no,” she replied softly.

  It was what I wanted to hear, but I wasn’t quite relieved yet. “Why not?”

  “I never needed it...um, should I be?” She sounded a little disappointed by the idea, and my mouth curled back up into a wide smile.

  “No, baby. Stay away from that shit.”

  She was quiet again for a few beats then breathed, “Okay.”

  I decided if that question hadn’t freaked her out, I might as well learn everything I wanted to know. “Arya?”

  “Yeah, Dax?”

  Holy shit. Hearing her say my name had all the blood in my body rushing straight to my cock. I shook my head, trying to clear away some of the lustful fog. My voice was a little gruffer than I’d intended when I asked, “Are you a virgin, baby?”

  “Would it bother you if I was?”

  “Abso-fucking-lutely not, baby. Knowing you’re all mine is hot as hell.”

  “Oh.” I was pretty sure I heard a smile in her voice, and I contemplated throwing all my plans out the window and just hopping on my bike to go and snatch her right now. It helped to remind myself that her birthday was still a week out. “Yes,” she whispered in a breathy tone.

  I needed to get off the phone before her voice made me come in my pants like a fucking teenager. “Good. Keep that pussy safe for me. I’ll handle everything for the party. See you in a week.”

  “But his birthday isn’t until—”

  “One. Week. Arya,” I bit out each word through clenched teeth. I knew I wouldn’t be able to control myself any longer than that. It was Tuesday, and Nova would leave for his run on Friday. He’d be back the following Friday, and she’d been planning the party for Saturday. “I need you to be here early.”

  “Oh, that makes sense. To help get everything ready. ”

  I didn’t need her to help get anything ready, but I wasn’t about to tell Arya that I wanted her here sooner so I could kidnap her. “Just get your sexy ass here, and I’ll do the rest.”


  A noise interrupted my focus on Arya, and I glanced up to see the prez entering and shutting the door to my office. He dropped down onto the ratty old couch set against one of the side walls and watched me speculatively.

  “One week,” I repeated. “And Arya”—Mac raised an eyebrow—“don’t think I’ve forgotten your birthday. We’re going to celebrate when you get here.”

  “You’re throwing a party for me, too?” she asked, her tone colored with surprise.

  “No, baby”—I kept my gaze locked with Mac’s, figuring I might as well make myself clear and find out if he was going to be a problem too—“just you and me.”

  “I-I love that idea,” she said hesitantly.

  “Good. Now remember what I said, and I’ll see you soon, baby. Call me if you need me.”

  She agreed and said goodbye. After we hung up, I tossed my phone onto the desk covered in haphazard piles of paper.

  “What’s up?” I asked Mac.

  “Sounds like we have bigger fish to fry than what I wanted to talk to you about.” He crossed his arms over his chest and rested an ankle on the opposite knee, still watching me thoughtfully. After a minute, he asked, “Arya Rossi?”

  I nodded.

  “Nova know?”

  “Not yet.”

  Mac scratched his beard. “This gonna cause problems in the club?”

  I leaned back in my chair. “Nova’ll pitch a fit, but he’ll accept it eventually.” Then I cocked my head to the side. “You gonna stand in my way? Because I won’t back down any more than you would have with Bridget’s dad.”

  Mac's brow lifted to his hairline, but he didn’t look pissed. “It’s like that?”

  “It’s like that,” I confirmed.

  “Explains your shitty ass mood over the past couple of months.”

  I shrugged, then folded my hands behind my head and threw out another reason he should be
in my corner. “I’m taking a page outta your book, prez. We’ll come back when she’s knocked up. Even Nova wouldn’t try to separate us then.”

  “Hmm.” Mac was quiet for a long minute, then he jerked his chin up and down. “What’s your plan?”

  I gave him the rundown, and he listened until I was through before speaking again. “Solid. I don’t see a scenario where Patriot would run his mouth, but I’ll lay the law down to keep Nova in the dark for at least a couple of weeks.”

  Relief flooded me, not only because he was going to give me a little help, but because I loved and respected my president. I was glad I wouldn’t be forced to choose between my woman and my brothers.

  “Need anything else?” he asked as he unfolded himself and stood.

  “Actually, yeah.” I had been trying to figure this part out, and I knew Mac could get it done. “She’s gonna need a vest. But they usually take several weeks to arrive, and I can’t have it sent to a cabin out in the middle of nowhere.”

  Mac nodded and headed for the door. “I’ll take care of it. Her vest will be here when you get back.”

  I called my thanks as he left, and he waved in acknowledgment. My lips curved in a smile. I’d laid the trap. All I needed was to lure my prey inside.

  * * *

  One week later

  I paced in my room and checked my watch for the millionth time in the past hour. Dash was all set to fill in for me over the next couple of weeks. My bike was parked out front, saddlebags stuffed with the things I thought we’d need that we wouldn’t be able to get from a local store on the way. A few days ago, I’d driven my truck up there with my bike in the bed. Then I rode back to the clubhouse. I wanted to ride back up there with the wind in my face and my girl wrapped around me. But if she was pregnant when we left the cabin, I wouldn’t risk putting her on my bike.

  All that was left was for Arya to arrive so I could grab her and run. Finally, I checked my watch and saw she was due to arrive any minute. Breaker, who was manning the gate, texted to tell me she’d arrived. There was laughter in his voice that I didn’t understand, but at that moment, I didn’t give a fuck about anything but getting to my girl. I took the stairs two at a time, nearly plowing into a couple of brothers in my haste to get to the front door.

  I stepped outside just in time to watch a woman riding up to the clubhouse on a motorcycle. Her face was hidden by a visor on her helmet, protecting her eyes from the bright, sunny day. But I would’ve known that body anywhere.

  Holy fucking shit.

  The sight of my woman with a bike between her pretty thighs had me so hard I wasn’t sure I’d be able to straddle my own hog. The need to drag her upstairs and replace the machine with my cock between her legs was almost overwhelming. The only thing that held me back was knowing it would be her first time. I was determined to take my time and make it perfect for her. And I knew once I got her in bed, we wouldn’t be leaving any time soon.

  Arya came to stop next to my bike and kicked down her stand before turning off her engine. She unbuckled her helmet and pulled it off, shaking her head as all of her silky, dark hair spilled down her back.

  I glanced around and was happy to see no one else nearby. She’d only removed her head gear, but I felt like she’d just put on a sexy strip tease. Would’ve meant blackening the eyes of anyone who’d seen the show she’d put on besides me.

  Arya wore a smile on her gorgeous face as she swung one long, lithe limb over her ride and stood to face me.

  I was having trouble forming words...a first for me. The brief thought of whether Nova knew about his sister’s ride filtered through my mind. It was sexy as fuck, and I doubted he would like the idea of other men seeing her like that anymore than I did. Since I seemed to have no control over my mouth when I talked to Arya, I growled, “Your brother know you’re riding around on a bike?” Though it was unintended, my words came out harsh and sounded like a scolding.



  As Dax stalked across the parking lot toward me, I felt a rush of satisfaction run through my veins. I normally wouldn’t have chosen to ride my motorcycle this far, but after my conversation with Dax last week, I felt this irresistible urge to appear as sexy as possible when I showed up at the Silver Saints compound.

  He’d startled me when he asked if I was on birth control, and I’d been a little worried that he’d want me to be protected before he took me to bed. Maybe it was just my inexperience talking, but I kind of didn’t want anything between us for my first time—not even a pill. And I definitely didn’t want to wait until a new prescription would kick in since my trip to surprise my brother—which had mostly been an excuse to see Dax—was sooner than that would take. I would’ve hated to miss out on the opportunity because of bad timing.

  There was also the whole virginity thing, which had been super embarrassing to admit even though he’d seemed happy about it. The last thing I wanted was for Dax to see me as a little girl, no matter how much younger I was than him. My feelings for him were anything but childish.

  My need for Dax to see me as a woman had pushed me into riding my bike here, and I refused to let go of the thrill I’d felt at the masculine appreciation in his green eyes before he scolded me. If Dax was going to give me a tongue lashing for being reckless, then I’d much prefer he do it with his actions and not words.

  With that dirty thought rolling through my head, my cheeks filled with heat as I answered, “Nope. How would he? Nova didn’t even know I was coming since I’m supposed to be surprising him, remember?”

  Getting close enough that I could reach out and stroke my fingers over his chest, he shook his head and chuckled. “I guess I asked for that with my dumbass question, huh?”

  “Yeah, kinda.” I grinned at him and nodded.

  He hooked his index finger through one of the front loops on my pants and yanked, making me stumble forward against his chest. “Better be careful with that sassy mouth, baby. It might earn you a spanking.”

  None of my fantasies about Dax had included him smacking my behind, but the shiver that raced up my spine at his warning wasn’t from fear. The reaction was pure lust. “Don’t threaten me with a good time.”

  “Fucking A.” His nostril flared as his hands dropped to my hips, his fingers digging into my flesh. “Is there anything in your saddlebag you need now?”

  I shook my head. “I packed light—just clothes, toiletries, and my e-reader. I figured I could grab a birthday gift for Nova after I got here since I came early.”

  “No need to worry about your brother. I’ll make sure he’s covered.” Before I could ask if he meant that we’d give him something from the both of us—and boy, did the possibility of that make my heart flutter—he continued, “Grab your bathroom shit, a change of clothes, and your e-reader. I’ll stuff them into my saddlebag.”

  “Um.” I glanced over my shoulder at my motorcycle, feeling confused on a couple different levels. “Is there a reason I can’t just take my own bike?”

  “Maybe next time.” The corners of his lips kicked up in a sexy grin. “For this ride, I want you on the back of mine.”

  The men in the Silver Saints MC didn’t put a woman on the back of their bike unless they meant something to them. The implication of what he wanted made my heart hammer while another shiver raced up my spine at the sensual promise in his voice. My fingers itched to hold his cut while I wrapped my arms around his broad chest and felt the powerful hum of his motorcycle’s engine between my legs. For the chance to experience all of that, I was more than willing to leave my motorcycle behind. “Where are you taking me that I’ll need a change of clothes and my toiletries?”

  “Nowhere special,” he muttered, his gaze scanning the parking lot before returning to me. “Just a place where I can have you all to myself before you see Nova.”

  I probably should have asked for more details, but it wasn’t as though I really needed them. I’d go anywhere Dax wanted to take me. “Do you have somewhere out of sight I
can put my bike? If my brother spots it sitting here, the surprise will be spoiled.”

  “Yeah.” He pointed toward a large outbuilding off to the left. “After you grab your stuff, I’ll move your ride over there. It’ll be protected from the weather and out of sight.”

  “Okie dokie,” I agreed, handing him my helmet. “If you can hold this for me, I’ll dig through my bag to find what I need for tonight.”

  “Sure.” He flipped the helmet upside down and peered at the lining on the inside before pressing to test the rigidity of the padding. Then he turned the helmet back around to check the outer shell. When he didn’t find any visible cracks, something I’d already confirmed before I headed out, he asked, “Your Bluetooth work okay?”

  Ducking my head to dig in my saddlebag—and also to hide my grin at how cute his concern was—I answered, “Yeah, I don’t use it much when I ride because I don’t like to be distracted, but I double-checked it before I left home just in case there was an emergency or something.”

  “Good,” he grunted, moving toward the bike I’d parked next to. He unthreaded the visor of his helmet from the rearview mirror to pick it up. Then he pressed the power button on his built-in Bluetooth unit before doing the same with mine. Once they were both turned on, he held the main button down on both of the units until the red light flashed on them. “Your helmet is the same brand as mine, so it’s easy to pair them together. We can use the intercom to talk to each other while we’re riding.”

  He hung his helmet on the left handlebar of his bike and mine on the right. Then he undid his saddlebag before holding his hand out toward me. I gave him the clothes I’d grabbed, along with a small makeup bag and my e-reader. He stuffed them inside and buckled the bag back up again. Once that was done, he quickly rolled my bike into the outbuilding. As soon as he came back, he gave me my helmet before grabbing his and putting it on. I did the same, biting back a grin when he was already mounted on his motorcycle by the time my chin strap was in place.