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- Davenport, Fiona
Family Affairs: Volume 1 Page 13
Family Affairs: Volume 1 Read online
Page 13
She finished as I glided to a stop on the curb in front of her house. I lifted her face to mine and sweetly kissed her lips. “Do you love me?” I asked. She nodded without hesitation. “And, you know I love you, right?” She smiled and nodded again. “Then there’s nothing else to worry about because we have each other. Yeah, maybe Stanley and Bunny will be pissed when they first find out about us being a couple. However, I believe they will come to our way of thinking once they realize how much we love each other.”
“I don’t know if I believe you one hundred percent, but you make me feel a heck of a lot better,” she teased.
I took her face in my hands and kissed the ever-loving fuck out of her, then mumbled against her lips. “Later, I’m going to make you feel so much more,” I promised gruffly.
“Later?” she asked with a small pout.
I laughed. “Damn you’re cute, baby doll. Yeah, we’ve got some things to do, then I promise we’ll go to bed early and I’ll give you all the feels.”
“Hmmm,” she hummed. “Those are some lofty goals, Harrison.” She winked and got out of the car. Fucking adorable.
We made arrangements to have some of my stuff shipped to our house and the rest put away. Then we took a load of Maggie’s things to our place since I was adamant that we’d be sleeping there starting tomorrow night. I had some work to do and got most of it finished while she finished her school work and then made dinner.
I ended up eating a good portion of it off of her naked body before scooping her up and stalking to my bedroom. Laying her down gently on the bed, my gaze swept over her. “Every night, I think I couldn’t possibly love you more, then the morning comes and I realize that I was wrong. You get more beautiful, more precious to me, more loveable every damn day, baby doll.”
A tear leaked from the corner of her eye and I started to panic. Why the fuck was she crying? Then she smiled, lighting up the room like she was the surface of the sun. She held her arms out to me.
“About those feels…”
Chapter Ten
Looking around my bedroom—or my old room I guessed I should call it since my new home was with Harrison—I was filled with an odd mixture of emotions. Mainly it was excitement about what the future would bring after graduation. There was also a huge dose of anxiety over how my mom and Stanley were going to react to the news of our relationship. Add to that some sentimentality over leaving the only home I’d ever known, and I was a jumbled mess of nerves.
“You look sad,” Harrison breathed into my ear, after coming up behind me and wrapping his arms around my body to pull me into his chest.
“Not sad, just a little moody,” I corrected, scanning the room. It mostly looked the same, except my bookshelf was empty because we’d already brought all my books to the house. A quick peek into the dresser and closet would show they were almost empty since we’d taken most of my clothes over, too. “It’s hard to believe I’m leaving, that’s all.”
He turned me in his arms and looked down at me, his light brown eyes filled with concern. “If you aren’t ready to move into the rental house yet, just say the word and we’ll stay here a little longer. It’ll feel a little odd, living under the same roof with your mom and my brother, but I’ll deal with it. The only thing that’s important is your happiness.”
I promptly burst into tears and buried my face into his chest.
“Shh, baby doll,” he soothed, rubbing my back.
“I love you so damn much,” I cried.
“I love you, too.”
“I know,” I hiccupped, squeezing him tight. “That’s why I’m crying. ‘Cause you’re just so… perfect.”
“I’m not perfect,” he laughed, pulling back so he could see my face. “Far from it.”
I lifted my hand and ran my palm down one of his cheeks to cup his jaw. “But you’re perfect for me.”
“You can’t say shit like that right now,” he groaned with a quick glance at the clock on my nightstand. “We only have a couple hours until they get home.”
“Sounds like just enough time to say goodbye to my bed to me, don’t you think?”
“One last time,” he rasped, tearing at my clothes. My hands trembled as I did the same with his, desperate for both of us to be naked as quickly as possible so we could make the most of the limited time we had.
Once all our clothes were scattered across the floor, Harrison tossed me onto the mattress, yanking me down until my ass was at the edge before he sank to his knees in front of me. Then he bent my legs, placing my feet on the mattress and spreading me open for his touch. He didn’t waste any time once he got me into the position he wanted; he just lowered his head and went straight for my clit, sucking it into his mouth.
“Yes, yes, yes,” I chanted as he nibbled on my clit and thrust a finger inside me.
He knew my body so well, having spent the last two weeks learning every inch of it. In the matter of a couple of minutes, my stomach started to tighten as I writhed in his grip. With his hands tightening on my ass, he growled against me and the vibrations sent me over the edge.
“Mine,” he growled against my wet flesh after licking me through my orgasm.
Rising to his feet, standing at the edge of the bed, he lifted my hips higher and wrapped my legs around his hips. His cock nudged at my entrance, but he didn’t move to take me like he normally would. Instead, he held his lower body still as he bent lower, until his mouth was over mine. His tongue slid inside and caressed mine slowly. I could taste myself on him, mixed with the flavor that was uniquely Harrison. His kiss was a leisurely exploration, slow and soft, that had my heart racing for a completely different reason than the usual when we were naked and in bed with each other.
It was… more. More heartfelt. More meaningful. Just more.
“Love you,” I whispered.
“I love you, too, baby doll. More than anything in the world,” he murmured as he slowly slid inside me.
With our eyes locked, he circled his hips before he withdrew from my body.
“You make me so damn happy.” He plunged back in.
“Me too,” I gasped as he pulled out and rammed back in.
“Can’t wait to live in that little blue cottage with you. To spend each night together just like this, until you graduate from school and we can go on an adventure together.” His voice was raspy as he murmured against my lips, grinding his pelvis against me as his cock surged deep inside.
“My first,” I panted, my body already tightening in pleasure again.
“Another first. I want them all.”
“You’ve got them, Harrison. Anything you want from me, it’s yours.”
“Your sweet cherry, your ass, your mouth wrapped around my cock,” he rattled off, hips pumping and eyes burning with desire.
“You’ve already had two of the three.”
“Your first smile of each day, your first road trip, first airplane flight, first trip out of the country,” he continued.
“All yours.” I circled my hips, trying to get him to hit just the right spot since I was so close to coming.
“The first and only time you say ‘I do.’ Our first baby. Everything.”
“Like I said, whatever you want from me is yours. But please, if you love me, let me come!” I had reached the point of mindless desperation.
“When I propose for real, I’m going to remind you that you already said yes,” he warned me as his lips twisted into a satisfied smirk. Then he gave me exactly what I needed, pumping in and out of me as his hand slid in between us until his finger was able to circle my clit. I flew apart screaming his name. My nails digging into his back as I drew his body as close to me as I could get him.
“Yes,” he hissed out on his next thrust, my pussy clenching around his cock. His body went rigid, and he tumbled into oblivion with me.
I felt closer to him than I ever had before. All was right in the world, cocooned away from everything else with his arms wrapped around me and h
is cock deep inside me. It was the most beautiful moment we’d had together… right up until I heard my mom’s startled cry.
My head jerked towards the noise, and I found her and Stanley standing in the doorway. Harrison and I had been so wrapped up in each other, we hadn’t heard them return.
“Oh crap!” I yelped.
Harrison moved quickly, yanking the bedspread over us and rolling to make sure I was completely covered. “Out!” he roared, when he looked over his shoulder and saw that they were both still standing there, staring at us with shocked looks on their faces.
“Oh dear,” my mom breathed out, jumping back to slam the door shut.
I didn’t hear another word from my mom, which was completely out of the ordinary for her. She always had something to say, which meant we’d managed to shock her speechless.
Stanley, on the other hand, knocked roughly on the door.
“Magnolia, I think it would be best if Harrison came down and talked to me alone. I’ll send your mom up to you so she can make sure you’re okay.” His voice was stern but not harsh, until he spoke to Harrison and it became jagged and fury filled. “Harrison, get your ass out of my daughter’s bed and downstairs. Now.”
“Oh shit,” I moaned once I heard his footsteps moving away and tears filled my eyes.
“Hush, baby doll. Everything’s going to be fine.”
“Fine? Fine!” I squealed. “How is anything ever going to be fine again? My mom and step-dad just saw us having sex!”
“No, they saw us after we’d just finished,” he corrected.
I pushed on his chest and scurried off the mattress to grab my clothes from the floor. Throwing them on, I kept muttering to myself. “That’s basically the same thing. You were naked. I was naked. Your dick was inside me. This is not how I wanted to break the news to them.”
“Maggie,” he snapped, snagging my attention. “Our relationship is good news, not something you have to break to them. Does it suck that they found out this way? Yes. Is it the end of the world? No. Nothing’s really changed. I love you. You love me. At the end of today, we’re going to climb into our bed together, just like we always will from now on.”
“But my mom—”
“Your mom loves you and wants you to be happy. She’ll come around once she realizes that we belong together.”
Logically, I knew he was right. Plus, my mom had always been unconventional, so her daughter falling in love with her new brother-in-law was something she might come to accept sooner than most parents would. Hopefully. But her new husband? Not so much. “And Stanley?”
“He might be harder to convince”—Harrison pulled his shirt over his head and stalked towards me—“considering the size of the stick up his ass. But I’ve seen the way he looks at your mom. Hopefully, falling in love with her will have softened him up a little bit.”
“That hardly sounds optimistic.”
He stole my lips for a quick, but deep, kiss. “I love my brother, but I’m not going to let him, or anyone else, stand between me and you.”
“Agreed.” I gripped his hand firmly in mine and reached for the door with my other hand. “We do this together.”
I just wished it didn’t feel like we were off to face a firing squad.
Chapter Eleven
I opened the door to Maggie’s bedroom to find Bunny pacing and wringing her hands. She stopped suddenly and stared at us, wide-eyed. When her eyes met mine, she shook her head, disappointment washing over her face.
She moved towards Maggie, but I pulled her into my side, refusing to leave her behind. “We’ll discuss this all together, Bunny,” I informed her, my tone making it clear I was going to be unbending on this issue. “I’m not going to leave Maggie to face either of you alone.”
Bunny’s expression softened just the tiniest bit, but she locked eyes with Maggie and asked, “Are you okay?”
“I’m great, Mom,” Maggie assured her. “This was my choice. No one forced me or coerced me.”
Bunny hesitated for a few moments more, her eyes bouncing between us warily. Then she turned and silently descended the stairs.
Maggie looked up at me, her blue eyes swimming with unshed tears. I kissed her lovingly and whispered, “Trust me, baby doll.” Her lips tipped up and some of the fear receded.
Keeping her hand in mine, I led her down the stairs to the living room. Bunny had taken a seat on the couch, but Stanley was pacing in front of the television across the room. He halted when we entered the room and when he noticed Maggie, he glared at me.
“Bunny, would you please take Magnolia to another room so Harrison and I can talk?” he asked her calmly. His tone and general demeanor were calm anyway, his eyes were spitting fire at me. “She shouldn’t have to witness this, nor should Harrison be able to hide behind a child,” he spit.
“No,” Maggie piped up. “I’m staying. And, I’d like to point out, once again, that I am eighteen. An adult, not a child. I was an adult long before I turned eighteen and it’s time everyone started treating me like it.”
Stanley’s expression became a little rueful. “You’re right, Magnolia. But, you’re still too young for my much older brother to be taking advantage of you.” His brown eyes shifted to me and all the softness fled from his face. “I’ve never been so disappointed in you, Harrison. I always thought I raised you better than this. I trusted you with my daughter and come home to find you’ve taken advantage of an innocent girl!”
I’d had enough. “Stanley, I’m going to need you to shut it and listen to what we have to say.”
His lips pressed together in a straight line and his face flushed with anger, but he didn’t continue. I nodded and led Maggie over to the love seat. We both sat and I tucked her into my side, ignoring the daggers poking from Stanley’s eyes.
“I didn’t come here with the intention of seducing Maggie and that’s not what happened. I fell for her the moment we met”—I held up my hand for silence when Stanley opened his mouth. He harrumphed, but didn’t speak—“and before you accuse me, we waited until after she turned eighteen.”
“It was the same for me, Stanley,” Maggie interjected. “I knew the day he showed up that I loved him.”
“Love?” Bunny gasped. Her eye brightened and she smiled at Maggie, almost dreamily.
“Yes, I love him, Mom,” she confirmed.
“And I am completely head over heels in love with your daughter, Bunny.”
She clasped her hands in front of her and sighed.
Stanley sputtered, “What about college? And—and, you can’t possibly continue your ridiculous lifestyle, constantly leaving Magnolia and—You’re not what she needs, Harrison.”
“Honey, don’t you think that’s for Magnolia to decide?” Bunny asked quietly. “Look at them, Stanley. Really look. It’s obvious they’re in love.”
“But, his lifestyle and…” Stanley was obviously incredulous that Bunny wasn’t backing him up.
“Besides,” she continued. “Magnolia’s right. I’m ashamed to admit it, but she’s been taking care of me her whole life. It’s her turn to have freedom. Even if what she and Harrison have doesn’t last”—I growled, but calmed when Maggie’s hand landed on my thigh—“she deserves the opportunity to make her own mistakes.”
Irritation was blooming in my chest at her referring to my relationship with Maggie as a mistake.
“I don’t think that’s what this is though, honey.” Bunny stood and walked to Stanley, wrapping her arms around him. “He looks at my girl the way you look at me.”
Stanley seemed speechless, staring at Bunny as though he would find the answers to all the mysteries of the world in her eyes. After a minute, he looked rather resigned, but when his head lifted and he looked at me, there was still a hard quality on his face.
“I won’t allow you to break her heart, Harrison. And, making her fall in love with you, only to leave her behind, is something only a jackass would do.”
I nodded.
“You’re absolutely right.” Stanley was taken aback by my answer, clearly he hadn’t been expecting it. “That’s why I’m staying here until Maggie graduates. I have some assignments lined up that are all close enough to complete on a weekend, when I can take my woman with me.”
“Stanley,” Bunny said quietly. “You’ve always been so proud of Harrison. Ever since I met you, you’ve shown how much you loved him. Do you really think he isn’t good enough for our girl? That he wouldn’t take care of her or that he’d mistreat her?”
He thought for a moment, then turned his contemplative stare to me. “No,” he admitted, almost reluctantly, making me bite off a smile. He hated to be wrong, but that didn’t mean he wouldn’t own up to it when it happened. “I know the man I raised. Besides, our sweet Magnolia can’t help but make him a better man.”
Maggie jumped up and hurried over to hug her mom and Stanley. “He still isn’t good enough for you,” he said gruffly.
She laughed. “Will anybody ever be?”
“No.” Stanley smiled and kissed her forehead, making me frown and stand up. I quickly grasped Maggie’s arm and tugged her back against me.
“Keep your lips to yourself, brother,” I warned darkly.
Bunny and Maggie laughed, but Stanley was less amused. His lips did tip up, though, and he tightened his embrace around Bunny.
“What about school?” he asked.
“I’m going to travel with Harrison for a while, Stanley,” Maggie responded.
He looked like he wanted to argue, but Bunny came to the rescue once again. “She’s young, honey. She has plenty of time to decide what she wants to do. It’ll be good for her to get out of this little town and see the world.”
“What about—”
“Honey.” Bunny rolled her eyes and stood on her tip toes to kiss his chin. “Let it go.”
Stanley sighed and nodded. “Don’t expect me to stop worrying about her or checking in to make sure you’re treating her right,” he barked at me. “If you hurt her, you’ll be singing soprano for the rest of your life.”