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Breaker Page 3


  Leaving my brothers to handle anything else, I guided Ireland to the exit and down a few spaces to where my hog was parked. “Ever been on a bike?”

  She shook her head as her eyes eagerly scanned the machine. “I’ve always wanted to. Dang, Sebastian, this thing is awesome.”

  I grinned at her compliment. “Thanks, baby. One of my brothers, Dom, is a fucking genius at restoration and runs the Silver Saints shop. He did this one for me because he owed me a favor.”

  She tore her eyes away and glanced in the other direction before looking at me while biting her lip. I wanted to be the only one who nibbled on her plump lips, so I used my thumb to pull it from between her teeth. Her cheeks bloomed with pink, and her eyes sparked with heat. I swallowed a groan, realizing that staying out of her bed tonight was going to be harder than I’d anticipated.

  “What about my truck?”

  “You drive a truck?” I asked with a chuckle. I’d expected some kind of girly muscle car. This rocker chick was the woman of my dreams.

  She wrinkled her nose and sighed. “Yeah. It’s a piece of crap because I couldn’t afford anything bigger and better. But I like trucks because it’s easier to haul our equipment when Sally doesn’t have access to the van. One of these days, I’m going to have a badass truck, though.”

  “You’re cute and badass at the same time,” I told her with a laugh as I pulled the strap of her small purse over her head. Then I reached into one of my saddlebags and took out my helmet, replacing it with her purse. Before closing the bag, I unhooked her keys from where they were clipped onto the purse.

  “Um, thanks…?” She obviously wasn’t sure how to take my description.

  I put the helmet on her head and adjusted the strap before meeting her gaze. “It’s a sexy as hell combination.” Then I grasped her waist and hoisted her onto my bike. “I’ll have a couple of my brothers bring your truck home. Which one is it?” She pointed at an old rust bucket that I’d assumed had died in the parking lot and had yet to be towed. We were going to have to fix that situation ASAP.

  Dash and Rider had come out of the bar a couple of minutes after us and were standing by their hogs talking. “Yo!” I called out. They both looked my way, and I tossed Ireland’s keys to Rider. “Get her truck home, would ya?” I pointed at it. “I’ll text you the address.”

  Rider nodded and pocketed the keys before turning to see which vehicle I’d indicated. When his eyes came back to me, his brow was raised, silently asking if I was gonna let my woman drive it again. “Hell no,” I replied. Then I mounted my bike and started the engine.

  “What was the heck no about?” Ireland asked over my shoulder. She instinctively scooted up to press herself against my back and put her arms around my waist.

  “I’ll tell you another time, baby. What’s your address?” As she rattled it off, I sent the information to Rider, then glanced over the directions so I knew where I was going. “Hold on tight,” I instructed before putting up my kickstand and heading out of the parking lot.

  We pulled up to an apartment complex that was old and could definitely use some TLC, but it wasn’t in an unsafe area of town. That didn’t make me feel a whole lot better about her living there, though. I parked and dismounted, then helped her off the bike. Then I traded the helmet for her purse and gestured for her to lead the way.

  Ireland’s apartment was on the second floor with four others. Everything looked plain and stark but clean. When she opened her door and I stepped into her space, I chuckled. The outside might have been boring and sterile, but everything about her little studio screamed with this rocker’s personality. At least a third of it was taken up by a baby grand piano. The rest of the place was bright and crazy but still tastefully done. There was color everywhere, beads and twinkle lights hanging on the walls, as well as framed posters of rock bands. Which might have seemed juvenile if it were most other people, but somehow just fit Ireland. Of course, I understood her décor much more when I got a closer look at one and realized the band signed the poster.

  “Holy fuck,” I breathed in awe at one point. “This is signed by Van Halen?”

  She grinned as she hung her purse on a hook in her tiny kitchen, then sat in a chair to remove her boots. “Yup. I talked my way backstage and didn’t get caught until I’d been chatting with the band for over half an hour. We’d been talking about music, and when security showed up, Eddie laughed his ass off. The band all signed the poster for me and told me to drop by backstage anytime. Look at the back.” I gently pulled the frame down and turned it over. Tucked into the back was a backstage pass in a plastic holder, and “Ireland’s lifetime pass” was scrawled across it in black marker.

  I laughed and rehung the poster. “Cute and badass,” I repeated my compliment from earlier.

  When I pivoted to face the room, Ireland had plopped down on a futon with a bottle of water. She took another from the little table next to her and held it out to me. I joined her on the couch and accepted the drink with a nod of thanks.

  “Okay,” she said after drinking half the bottle. “You know a few things about me. Your turn.”

  “Fair point,” I agreed with a smile. “I’m a B&E specialist. Meaning I break into people’s houses or businesses for a living, then tell them where the holes in their security are. Hack and I started the company together a few years ago.”

  Ireland quirked an eyebrow. “I sense there’s a story behind your career choice.”

  I laughed before draining the rest of my water and tossing the bottle into a trashcan in the kitchen.

  “Impressive,” Ireland giggled.

  “Baby, if that impresses you, I can’t imagine how you’re going to react once I get you naked.”

  Ireland’s breath stalled, and twin spots of heat bloomed on her cheeks. My eyes dropped to her chest, and I had to close them when I saw her hard nipples poking through her top. Fuck. I shifted uncomfortably in my seat and tried to get my mind out of the gutter. So, I focused on answering her question. “I got into trouble a lot as a kid. Mostly because I was bored and wanted the thrill of a challenge. Ended up in juvie twice, the second time I was released at eighteen. Then I spent a couple of years dicking around and doing stupid shit. I was good enough not to be caught but too stupid not to run my mouth off about it. I got myself into a bad situation, and by the biggest stroke of luck in my life—before meeting you—the Silver Saints President, Mac, stepped in and made it go away. He recruited me, and I became a prospect at twenty, worked my ass off, and patched at twenty-two.”

  “Wow,” Ireland said quietly. I met her gaze to see if my past bothered her, but she looked at me with admiration. “That’s awesome.”

  I shrugged and decided it was time to move on to more important topics. “About that talk,” I began. Ireland looked at me with curiosity and waited for me to continue. “Just going to be real with you, baby. Games and the slow play aren’t my style, and I can’t see them being yours either.” She shook her head. “But you might not be ready for me to swoop in and change your whole life. So, I’m gonna try to slow down a little for you.”

  “Um, okay. Slow what down exactly?”

  I realized I’d jumped ahead and went back to make sure we were very clear on where things stood. Leaning toward her, I wrapped my hands around her waist and picked her up to settle her on my lap—careful to keep her a safe distance from my swollen cock. “Let’s start over. Ireland”—I grasped her chin to make sure she couldn’t look away—“you’re mine. Gonna go as slow as I can, but there’ll be no other men for you. Only me. Clear?”

  Her mouth had formed a surprised O, but I was pleased when she nodded without hesitation. “Okay,” she rasped after a few seconds. “Does that, are you mine, too?”

  “Fuck yeah,” I said adamantly. “I’m all yours.” I winked as I parroted what she’d said to me in front of Scott.

  “I’m good with that.” Her smile was blinding, and flames licked at my insides as I str
uggled not to pull her to me, knowing what would happen if I did.

  Ireland’s eyes dropped to my lips, and she licked her own. “Should we kiss on it?” she asked hopefully.

  I would have laughed if I hadn’t been fighting so fucking hard to hold on to my control. “No, baby. If I kiss you, I won’t be able to stop, and you’ll be naked with my big cock buried in your tight little pussy before you know what’s happening.” She squirmed, and I held her waist tighter to keep her still. “Gotta go slow, and we haven’t even gone on a date yet.”

  She looked like she might protest but ultimately sighed. “Okay.” Her expression turned sad, and she moved to climb off my lap, but I wouldn’t let her.

  “What’s wrong?” She blushed and bit her lip, which I pulled free. “Only I bite those pretty lips, Ireland. Tell me what’s wrong.”

  “I’m not ready to say good night, I guess.”

  I grinned and allowed myself a moment to hug her close before shifting her so she was snuggled up to my side. “Never said I was gonna leave, baby.”

  Grinning, she looked up at me before resting her head on my chest. “Want to watch a movie?”

  “Sure.” I wouldn’t be able to pay attention to a single second of it with her tits pressed into my side and her vanilla scent floating around me. Still, I shored up my control and grabbed the remote. We found an action film that it turned out we both loved. Ten minutes into the movie, I heard a soft little snore and realized that Ireland was fast asleep.

  I turned the volume down a bit and carefully moved us so we were on our sides, and she was tucked against the front of my body. Having her in my arms brought that calm and peace again, and it wasn’t long before I’d fallen asleep, too.



  I’d never had a guy over to my apartment, and if anyone had asked me if I’d be able to fall asleep while one was there the first night I met him, my answer would have been a resounding no. But I’d felt so comfortable cuddled up against Sebastian that I’d barely been able to keep my eyes open. Something about him made me feel safe and protected—as though he’d stand between me and any danger. I hadn’t felt anything like it before, not even from my parents.

  Waking up to find myself sprawled on top of Sebastian probably should have been all kinds of awkward, but it just felt right. As though that was exactly where I belonged. And when his clear blue eyes opened and his lips curved into a sexy smile, it got even better. “Morning, baby. You sleep good?”

  “Yeah,” I whispered, rubbing my cheek against his chest. “You make an excellent pillow.”

  He brushed a kiss against the top of my head. “Then sign me up for pillow duty from now on.”

  “Maybe next time, we should at least move to the bed so you can get a good night’s sleep, too,” I suggested with a grin. “It’s literally ten steps away, and I can’t imagine that you were too comfortable wedged onto my couch like this.”

  “You’re wrong, baby.” His arms tightened around me. “As long as I have you next to me, I’m guaranteed to sleep just fine.”


  Just wow.

  “For a guy who’s out of practice, you’re really good at this dating thing.”

  “I’m just doin’ what comes naturally with you.” He shifted positions so we were sitting up with me straddling his lap.

  His hard-on—which was probably just because it was morning and he was a guy—brushed against my core, making me squirm. “Then I guess I’m lucky you decided I’m yours.”

  “I think it’s more like fate decided that for the both of us, baby.” He pulled me closer for a moment before lifting me off his lap so we could stand. “Something this good must’ve been meant to be.”

  My stomach let out a loud growl, totally ruining the romantic moment. “Gah, sorry.”

  “No apology needed, baby.” He nudged me toward the kitchen. “Go pull out a frying pan, knife, cutting board, and mixing bowl while I use the bathroom. Then you can get ready while I make you some breakfast.”

  “You cook, too?” I asked as I padded across my living space to the small kitchen area.

  “Yup, and you’re in for a treat if you have any eggs because they’re my specialty.”

  I thanked my lucky stars that eggs were the one thing I tended to always have in my fridge. I pulled the carton out, along with some butter and the other things he’d asked for. By the time everything was on the counter, he was striding out of the bathroom. I quickly scooted past him, beyond ready to do something about my bed head and morning breath. It took me a lot longer to freshen up—there was no way to rush my hop into the shower to shave—and he was sliding omelets onto our plates when I joined him in the kitchen again. “Those look amazing.”

  “They’re just cheese omelets, but I’ll go with something less basic next time.” He set the plates in front of each stool at the counter before pouring coffee into two mugs. “How do you take yours?”

  I slid onto a stool and picked up my fork. “Black works for me.”

  “Same.” He grinned as he took the seat next to me, setting our mugs onto the counter.

  We didn't say much as we ate breakfast, but the silence felt comfortable. By the time I was done, not a scrap of food was left on my plate. Patting my belly, I hummed in appreciation. “That was delicious.”

  “Glad you enjoyed it, baby.” He slid off his stool and grabbed our dishes to carry them over to the sink.

  “You weren’t kidding when you said you could cook.” I hurried around the counter and bumped him with my hip so he’d make room for me in front of the sink. “But I should be the one to clean up since you made breakfast.”

  Instead of moving, he handed me a dish towel. “How about we work together as a team? I’ll wash, and you dry since you know where all of this stuff goes.”

  I knew plenty of people who would have preconceived notions about what kind of man Sebastian was since he was in a motorcycle club, my parents included. But I found him to be a breath of fresh air, surprising me in the best possible ways. My father would’ve had a heart attack if my mother suggested he help her clean dishes—let alone cook a meal.

  Heck, my mother didn’t even bother with those kinds of things. That was what the hired help was for, or at least that was what they’d always told me when I still lived at home. Before I decided to live my life for myself and not their expectations.

  With my purple hair, tiny apartment, falling-apart truck, and performing with my band in bars like McClaren’s, I’d already disappointed my parents to the point that they no longer claimed me. The silver lining to our estrangement was that I didn’t need to worry about what they thought about Sebastian. Their opinion no longer mattered.

  As he handed me the last plate, Sebastian murmured, “Now that we’ve satisfied our hunger for breakfast, it’s time for me to get a taste of what I’m really craving.”

  “Sorry I didn’t have a lot of ingredients for you to work with.” I slid the last plate into the cabinet and turned around. When I saw the sensual gleam in his blue eyes, I realized he wasn’t talking about food. “Oh, you meant me.”

  “Yeah, baby. After spending the night with your sweet body in my arms, I would’ve been happy to go without the food and just feast on you.” He wrapped his fingers around my wrist and pulled me against his chest. “But what you need will always come first for me. And what you needed when we woke up was something to eat.”

  My cheeks heated as I remembered how loudly my stomach had growled. “Yeah, I usually have a big snack after a show, but after everything that happened last night, food was the last thing on my mind.”

  “I’ll remember from now on.” He brushed his lips over mine as his palms slid down my spine to cup my butt cheeks.

  I twined my arms around his neck. “Does that mean you plan on being at lots of my shows?”

  “Damn straight.” He lifted me as though I barely weighed a thing and set me on the counter, positioning himself between my thighs. “You’re my woman now, a
nd that means I get to be your biggest fan and only groupie.”

  The possessive gleam in his eyes made goose bumps pop up along my skin. “I’m one-hundred percent on board with that plan.”

  “Good.” He claimed my mouth, his tongue sweeping inside to tangle with mine. His palms cupped my face, tilting my head back to deepen the kiss. When he finally lifted his head again, my hair was fisted in one of his hands, and I was breathless. “Your mouth is so fucking sweet, but I bet your pussy tastes even better.”

  “What happened to going slow?” I asked. The panties I’d changed into earlier were already drenched.

  He let go of my hair, his hands drifting down to the sides of the leggings I’d pulled on. “The way I see it, we’ve already been on three dates. Your concert at McClaren’s, watchin’ the movie on your couch, and breakfast this morning.”

  “If we’ve already been on three dates, I guess we’re not moving fast at all. There’s a rule about it and everything.” I gasped when he yanked the material down my legs, taking my panties along with the leggings. “But I should probably warn you that I’ve never done this before.”

  His nostrils flared, and his cheeks darkened with color. “Am I the first man who’s going to taste your pussy?”

  “Uh-huh. Other than kissing, I’m new to all of this,” I admitted softly.

  “Don’t like thinking about anyone else getting to enjoy your mouth, even if it was just kisses.” He lifted a hand to brush his thumb across my bottom lip. “But I fucking love knowing I’ll be your first in everything else.”

  He didn’t give me a chance to respond, other than letting out a little yelp when he dropped to his knees in front of me and gripped my hips to pull me closer to his mouth. Then all I could do was moan and whimper while he devoured my pussy as though it was his last meal. Stroking his tongue through my folds in long licks, dipping inside on each downward stroke, gently nipping at my clit with his teeth.