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Breaker Page 4

  I threaded my fingers through his hair, clutching his scalp as he brought me higher and higher. “So close,” I panted.

  “That’s right, baby. Give me your orgasm,” he growled against my damp skin as he increased his efforts.

  It wasn’t long before his lips, tongue, and teeth drove me over the edge. My eyes squeezed shut, and it was as though fireworks went off behind my lids. Writhing on the counter, I cried, “Yes! Oh, yes, Sebastian!”

  He ate me through my release, not stopping until my shudders subsided, and I lay boneless on the counter. After giving each of my inner thighs a kiss, he grabbed my panties and leggings off the floor. When he started to slide them over my ankles, I jerked into a sitting position and squeezed my thighs together. “Remember the three-date rule. We can totally have sex now without it counting as going too fast.”

  “There aren’t any rules when it comes to us, baby. Whatever we want goes.” His raspy chuckle sent a shiver down my spine. “And what I want is all the time in the world to spend worshipping your body when I take your virginity, but I have that meeting with Don at eleven. I would skip it, except your safety comes first. If you’re gonna keep playing at McClaren’s, I need to make sure his security system is upgraded, and he gets some bouncers who actually do their fucking job.”

  No way could I argue with that logic. The man was turning down sex to make sure nothing bad happened to me when I was doing what I loved. “I’m so freaking lucky you decided to stop in for a drink last night.”

  “Me too, baby,” he agreed. “Me fucking too.”



  I hated leaving Ireland, but I needed to deal with this bullshit to ensure she was safe. After Hack’s and my meeting with a client in the afternoon, the silver lining was that we didn’t have anything scheduled for a few weeks. I could dedicate my time to Ireland and making her fall for me. And somewhere between eating her pussy and kissing her goodbye, I’d decided to knock her up. She’d have my vest on her back and my ring on her finger as soon as possible, but I also couldn’t wait to see her beautiful body round with our child. It didn’t hurt that it would be one more thing that would tie her to me permanently.

  Hack rode up into the parking lot where I was waiting for him and pulled into the space next to mine. I’d sent him a text about the meeting before Ireland and I had settled down to watch the movie last night.

  He grabbed some files from his saddlebag and ambled up to the door. “Smaller job than we normally take on,” I started explaining, but Hack cut me off with a wave of his hand.

  “We do whatever it takes to protect our women, brother. No questions asked.”

  I nodded, grateful that I’d found my MC family and could always trust my brothers to have my back and my old lady’s.

  We walked inside the empty bar just in time to hear the slamming of a door and heavy footsteps headed our way. A few seconds later, Scott came barreling out of the hallway, his expression livid. He skidded to a halt when he saw us, and his face flushed red with fury. “You. You cost me my job. I’m gonna kill you.”

  I rolled my eyes and sidestepped him when he came running at me. Instead, he ran his stomach into my fist and grunted before falling on his ass. Hack crouched down and wrapped his arm around Scott’s neck from behind. “You know what’s good for you, you’ll stay down, asshole. We don’t have time to clean up your blood.”

  Wisely, the former bouncer didn’t attempt to move out of Hack’s hold or try to stand. I cocked my head toward the back, and Hack released Scott before standing. We strolled to the hallway without a backward glance.

  Don’s door was open, and he had his eyes on a small monitor, a smirk on his lips.

  “Come on in, boys,” he said as he swiveled his chair to face us. “I can see why people don’t mess with the members of your club.”

  Hack and I both greeted him with a chin lift and took the seats in front of his small wooden desk.

  “I feel like an idiot for not seeing Scott and the others for what they really were. But I appreciate you bringing it to my attention.” He grinned and shook his head. “And thank you for doing it without destroying my bar. Not sure how you managed it.”

  “If we didn’t know how to take care of shit without breaking everything around us, we’d never have anywhere to drink but our own bars,” I explained with a shrug.

  Don chuckled again, then he placed his elbows on his desktop and leaned forward. “Obviously, I won’t be using my current staffing firm to supply my security anymore. So, any suggestions there would be appreciated. But let’s talk about your ideas for this place first.”

  After a couple of hours, we’d solidified a plan and put Don in touch with Xander Gray. He was the owner of Gray Security and a trusted contact. We shook hands with Don and headed out to our bikes. We had our meeting with the bank soon, so we intended to go into the office to prep for it.

  The bar was lit up more than usual because it was closed, but walking out of the dim interior into the sunshine was still blinding. So, I wasn’t expecting the bat that hit me in the gut.

  “Fuck,” I grunted as the wind was knocked out of me.

  “You motherfucking asshole!” Scott screamed as he drew the bat back for another swing. Before it got anywhere near me, the metal cylinder smacked into Hack’s hand before he yanked the bat out of Scott’s grip and tossed it away.

  “Gave up the brains for the muscles?” Hack drawled as he grabbed Scott’s shirt and turned him so I was looking at his profile, giving me the perfect opening.

  I’d managed to recover quickly and used Hack’s distraction to land a punch directly into Scott’s kidney. He screamed like a little girl and crumpled into himself, but Hack’s grip on his shirt kept him on his feet.

  “You better watch your back,” he snarled. “You and that bitch are dead.”

  This guy was too stupid to recognize when to keep his mouth shut, and when he spoke again, it seemed he also had a death wish.

  “I’m gonna make you watch while I do everything I dreamed about with her hot, little body. After I fuck her, I’ll kill—” He didn’t finish his threat because I knocked him out with a left hook to his jaw. He passed out, and Hack let him fall to the ground in a heap.

  “Glass jaw,” Hack mumbled. “Figures.”

  I barely heard him, the rage coursing through my body roaring in my ears. My hand strayed to the back of my pants, where my gun was hidden by my cut. This motherfucker needed to die.

  Hack grabbed my arm before I could withdraw my piece. “He’s not worth it, Breaker. You just found your girl, don’t risk prison.”

  I met Hack’s gaze and growled, “If he’d said those things about Paisley…”

  His mouth flattened, and his eyes took on a deadly glint. “I’d want to kill him, too. You know I’ve killed for my old lady, so I get it. But it’s the middle of the day in broad daylight. Once you’ve cooled off, if you still want to take him out, we’ll make it happen. Even if that means just digging up dirt on him to get his ass handed to the cops.”

  Hack could find anything on anyone. He’d never encountered a digital wall he couldn’t break down. When he said he’d find a way, I trusted that he’d keep his word. But usually, we weren’t one to let cops dole out justice for us. However, what he’d said about being taken from Ireland by going to prison started to sink in. Better to make a plan and rid the world of this trash without a trail that led back to us.

  “Fine,” I bit out, dropping my hand. “Let’s go.” Hack nodded and turned to walk to his hog. Before I followed, I stomped my motorcycle boot down on Scott’s junk, then left without a backward glance.

  We’d mounted our bikes and were about to head out when Hack removed his helmet and faced me. I took mine off so I could hear what he said. “I’ll handle the client. Go to your girl. Make sure she’s safe. You’ll be worthless until you do.”

  I lifted my chin to him in thanks and put my helmet back on before taking off like a bat out of hell. By the t
ime I reached Ireland’s apartment, I had calmed considerably, but I still felt desperate to have her in my arms. Hack was right. I wouldn’t be able to breathe until Ireland was at the compound where she would be protected. It was unlikely that Scott had the balls—even before I put my footprint on them—to come after my woman or me. But just in case the punk had connections we weren’t aware of, I’d do whatever it took to protect my girl.

  Ireland had given me a key before I left, and I was happy to see she’d locked up behind me. When I opened the door, she was sitting at her piano, her fingers dancing across the keys as a beautiful melody sang from her instrument. Her eyes were closed, and she had a sweet smile on her face. I loved that she had so much passion for music. I made a mental note to have a piano delivered to the clubhouse. She’d be able to use that one until we found our own place and could move this one to it.

  Ireland’s eyes opened when I entered, even though I tried to shut the door as quietly as possible. My chest warmed, and my cock swelled when her smile grew even bigger at the sight of me. Her hands stilled, and I shook my head as I strode over to the couch. “Don’t stop.”

  “Okay,” she replied, her expression soft. She closed her eyes again and resumed playing the same melody. It started slow and haunting, then eventually, it picked up tempo and sounded more like rock. It was the kind of song that kept your attention, not only because of the tune but also because it kept surprising me throughout the piece. Then she tied all of it together at the end. And fuck, she was so incredibly gorgeous in her element.

  Ireland removed her hands from the keys, and as the sound slowly faded, she looked at me with a happy glow.

  “You wrote that, didn’t you?”

  “How did you know?” Her cheeks turned pink as she waited for my answer, her eyes hopeful.

  “Because it was as unexpected, as unique, and as extraordinary as you.”

  She beamed at me as she stood, then rushed over and threw herself into my arms. “I’m so happy you liked it.”

  “Loved it, baby,” I corrected before capturing her lips in a deep kiss. Before things could get out of hand, I pulled back and nearly laughed at Ireland’s disappointed pout. I patted her round ass and put her on her feet. “I promise not to stop next time,” I told her with a wink. Her skin flushed, and she shivered, making me grin.

  “Right now, you need to pack a bag.”

  Confusion clouded her face. “Pack?”

  “Not something you need to worry about, but there might be some trouble, and I want you to stay with me at the Silver Saints clubhouse.”

  “Trouble? With Scott?” I nodded, and her expression crumpled. “Oh, no. I’m so sorry I got you involved in this.”

  I grasped her chin firmly and locked my eyes on hers. “This wasn’t your fault. And it’s my job to protect you, baby. Never question that I will keep you safe. There is nothing more important to me than you.”

  Ireland’s mouth formed a little O as she stared at me in stunned silence. Her eyes were sparkling with happiness, and I couldn’t help drinking from her lips one more time before I broke away and swatted her ass again. “Leaving in five minutes, bag or not. I suggest you get to packing.”



  I wasn’t sure how long I’d be staying with Sebastian or what all I needed to bring with me, but I decided to pack light. Partially because he’d sounded deadly serious when he’d warned me that we were leaving in five minutes. But mostly, it was because I’d enjoyed riding on the back of his motorcycle so much last night. I wanted to be able to wrap my body around his again, which meant my stuff needed to fit in his saddle bag.

  I tossed two changes of clothes, toiletries, and my tablet into a small duffel and turned to find Sebastian standing behind me. His arms were crossed over his muscular chest, and he had a big grin on his handsome face. “I think you’re gonna need more than that, baby.”

  “Can I fit anything else on your bike?” I asked as I handed the duffel to him.

  His gaze swept across my sleeping area. “Do you have a backpack?”

  “Yeah.” I ducked low to pull it from beneath my bed.

  He flung the duffel over his shoulder. “Shove some more stuff in that and wear it while we ride.”

  Now that I thought about it, I’d seen guys wearing backpacks on bikes before. “Awesome, will do.”

  I fit another three changes of clothes, a pair of pajamas, and a pair of sandals into my backpack. Then I pulled a pair of jeans over my leggings and tossed a sweatshirt on. “All done!”

  “Much better, baby.” He claimed my mouth in a deep but quick kiss. “I gotta assume Scott knows your address, so the longer we can avoid coming back here, the better. It’ll give Hack and me time to eliminate the problem.”

  “Eliminate the problem?” I echoed with a gulp, my eyes widening.

  “So fucking adorable,” he mumbled, threading his fingers through mine to lead me to the door. “We’re not going to kill Scott. Just dig up shit on him so the cops will have enough to lock him up for a long damn time. I can’t risk being the one who ends up behind bars when I have you in my life.”

  My cheeks turned pink as I teased, “Yeah, I really don’t want to lose my virginity during a conjugal visit. That doesn’t sound like my idea of a good time.”

  “No worries there.” He pulled me to a stop to lock the door behind us. Then he cupped my face in his palms, his breath hot against my ear as he whispered, “If it turns out the only way to stop the guy from hurting you is to put him in the ground, I’ll be sure to pop your cherry before the cops can put the cuffs on my wrists.”

  My reaction might have been all kinds of wrong, but a shiver of desire raced up my spine. “Holy crap.”

  “As a matter of fact”—he brushed his lips over mine—“my calendar opened up earlier than expected. When we get to the clubhouse, I’ll have plenty of time to give your sweet body the attention it deserves.”

  “Then let’s get going.” I tugged on his hand, making him chuckle as we walked outside and over to his motorcycle. With the mind-blowing orgasm he’d given me after breakfast, I was more than ready to lose my virginity to him, so I wasn’t even a tiny bit embarrassed for him to know I was looking forward to it.

  After he stowed my duffel and buckled a helmet onto my head, he tightened the straps on my backpack. Then he straddled his bike and held a hand out to help me get on. I loved how he was always looking out for me. “Thanks.”

  “Anything for you.” Before he pulled out of the parking spot, Sebastian warned, “Hold on tight, baby.”

  I plastered my chest against his back, and my hands wrapped around his belt buckle in front. As we roared down the street, the bulge in his jeans grew to the point where his hard-on brushed against the bottom of my hand. I scooted closer, squeezing my thighs around his hips to relieve my aching core. Between the bike's vibration, knowing Sebastian’s plans for me when we got to the clubhouse, and being pressed against his muscular body, the entire ride was like foreplay.

  As we pulled through the gate into the compound, I buried my face in Sebastian’s vest and inhaled the smell of leather mixed with his manly scent. When he parked the bike and helped me off, my legs shook from being weak in the knees with desire just as much as they did from being unused to riding.

  When Sebastian took my backpack and flung it and my duffel over his shoulder before wrapping his free arm around me, I used his strong body to steady myself as we walked into the clubhouse. I was surprised to find nobody lounging on any of the couches, chairs, or barstools in the huge space. “Is it usually this empty?”

  “Nah, this isn’t the norm.” He breathed deep and jerked his chin toward a door behind the long bar lining one wall. “Smells like Cat baked a pie, so we’ll probably find at least a few of the guys in the kitchen.”

  “Pie?” I wasn’t that familiar with how motorcycle clubs operated, but his explanation sounded more like we’d just walked into a suburban home with a white picket fence instead
of an MC clubhouse with a guy manning the gate.

  “Yeah, we’re really fucking lucky that our VP’s old lady loves to cook.” He patted his six-pack abs. “Cat spoils us whenever she’s around.”

  I thought back to what I’d learned last night. “And he’s Wendy’s brother, right?”

  He nodded as he led me toward the kitchen. “Yeah, but Scout doesn’t really bring her around much.”

  “Oh.” It would’ve been nice to recognize a friendly face, so I was a little disappointed.

  My feelings must’ve been obvious because Sebastian pulled me closer and murmured, “Don’t worry, baby. The old ladies are going to love you.”

  I wasn’t used to fitting in that easily with other women. The crowd I grew up with tended to be judgy about my purple hair, love of concert T-shirts, and the fact that I played in an all-girl rock band. But these were biker babes, so they were probably used to getting the same crap that I did, just for different reasons. “If they earned your stamp of approval, then I’m sure they’re great.”

  He flashed me a smug grin. “My MC brothers have damn good taste in women, just like me.”

  I was giggling at his cockiness when he pushed open the door to the kitchen. He was right; four guys were sitting at a table with empty plates in front of them, and a woman was pulling a fresh pie out of the oven. The man closest to me didn’t look our way. His gaze was glued on the woman’s butt, so I guessed that he was Scout and she was Cat.

  I recognized the other three from the fight at McClaren’s—Dash, Rider, and Patriot. I gave them a little wave as Sebastian pulled me even closer against his side, making them all chuckle and shake their heads. After setting the pie into a cooling rack, Cat turned toward us and smiled. “Hey, Breaker. I made your favorite, strawberry rhubarb.”

  Dash snorted. “Pretty sure he has a different kind of pie on his mind.”

  Sebastian leveled Dash with a glare, and Rider smacked him upside the back of his head. Patriot sighed and shook his head. “Don’t mind him. He’s just jealous because he hasn’t found a woman willing to take him on yet.”