With the Sunrise Read online

Page 5

  “Well, then.” I cleared my throat and grinned. “I guess I have a lot to look forward to.”

  “Without a doubt.” She took my hands in hers. “But the claiming is more than just mind-blowing sex. It’s so powerful when you share the claiming words with each other.”

  She went on to explain what Athan would say and how I was supposed to respond. My ring warmed on my finger, almost as though it was anticipating the moment I would fulfill my destiny with Athan.

  “And after you experience the most amazing night of your life, you’ll find the bond between you and Athan unlike anything you’ve ever felt before.” She let out a dreamy sigh and smiled with a faraway look in her eyes. “Inner walls you didn’t even know you had will come crashing down, and you’ll be totally open to him. But it won’t scare you because his will too, and you’ll have no doubts about exactly how much you mean to him. It’s so freeing to understand you’re right where you’re meant to be.”

  I was so touched by the description of her connection with Kieran, tears filled my eyes. “I’m thrilled you found him. It’s really great to see you so happy. You’re practically glowing.”

  “Oh!” Her lips formed a perfect O as she dropped her hand to cover her belly. “You raced out of the ballroom before I shared the news with Kieran, so you didn’t hear. That’s the pregnancy glow.”

  “You’re going to have a baby?” I shrieked, clapping my hands together.

  “Yup.” She beamed a smile at me. “I have a little daywalker on board.”

  “That’s awesome.” I stood and pulled Thana to her feet, giving her a big hug before brushing my palm over her still-flat belly. “I’m so excited to be here for your pregnancy. I can’t wait to go shopping for adorable baby stuff with you. This is going to be awesome. Can we go tomorrow, or is it too soon?”

  “That sounds perfect to me. I’ll have Kieran set everything up with the baby boutique in town so they stay open a little late for us,” she offered.

  Living most of my life in the evening and night was going to take some getting used to, but spending it with Athan—and having Thana so close—was more than worth the minor inconvenience. “I’ll let—”

  I broke off when I spotted a stranger striding through the garden toward us. The man was tall and pale, with blond hair and sunken eyes that glowed red. His lips spread in an evil grin, showing a set of fangs that were stained red. I gasped in fear, and Thana whirled around.

  “Nightwalker,” she hissed, confirming my suspicion.

  His gaze was locked on me, and he didn’t react to what Thana said. It was almost as though he couldn’t see anything beyond me until Thana stepped in front of me and blocked my body from his line of sight. “What are you doing?” I muttered, pulling on her arm so she’d get behind me. “I know you’re stronger than me because Kieran claimed you, but you have the baby to worry about now. You need to focus on protecting the life growing inside you, not me.”

  Thana didn’t budge, no matter how hard I tugged. She kept her gaze on the nightwalker, not letting him out of her sight. “I won’t have to protect either one of us. Kieran and Athan will handle the nightwalker.”

  The supernatural world was so new to me; it took a moment before I realized why she was so confident. Thana could telepathically call to Kieran, alerting him of the danger. Then it would only take a blink of an eye for them to arrive and save us. I was filled with a deep sense of relief...and a desire to be claimed by my sexy vampire as soon as all of this was over.



  I crossed my arms over my chest and leaned my hip on the kitchen counter, my eyes glued to the door that led to the gardens. “How long do you think they’ll be?” I wondered.

  Kieran’s whole body went rigid, and when he glanced at me, his eyes were a little wild. “Now. They need us now.” Then he disappeared. I popped into the gardens, only a few feet from Selene, thanks to the small connection we already had.

  A nightwalker was barreling down the walkway, headed straight for my mate. He didn’t even seem to notice Kieran and me moving in to stand in front of our women until we were right in front of him. “Move,” he hissed.

  If he hadn’t been threatening my mate, I might have laughed at his idiotic command. Not that I was altogether surprised. It was rare that a nightwalker had the balls to step foot on Bancroft land, which meant that this asshole was a moron with a death wish.

  “Selene, let’s go,” Thana urged in a whisper when the nightwalker was only an arm’s reach away. It was perfect timing, which I assumed was planned by Kieran and Thana through their bond. I hated that I couldn’t comfort and reassure my woman through a telepathic and soul-deep connection. It also meant that Selene was vulnerable, and that was unacceptable. As soon as I dealt with this parasite, I was claiming my consort.

  I heard the girls’ footsteps as they rushed away, and the intruder’s eyes flew over my shoulder. My hand darted out, and I grabbed his bicep in a punishing grip, keeping him from teleporting after our women since I refused to let him take me with. My power dwarfed his, and he could not force me to portal with him.

  “They’re taken, so you should probably keep your eyes to yourself,” I drawled. The nightwalker sneered and took a swipe at me with his other hand.

  I dodged his blow just as Kieran called, “Heads-up.” Without taking my eyes from the evil psycho glaring at me with red eyes and a bloodstained shirt, I reached out and caught the stake Kieran tossed to me.

  “Going after a consort was a stupid idea,” I told him through clenched teeth. I would always protect Selene, but images of what could have happened to her were making me edgy. “But going after a Bancroft consort?” I tsked. “You obviously have a death wish. So I’m going to do you a favor and help you out.” He wrenched his arm and snarled at me before his eyes went wide, and he hissed as his face twisted with pain.

  Staggering away, he grasped the stake embedded in his heart and tried to yank it out, but he burst into flames before disintegrating into ash and blowing away with the breeze.

  It wasn’t as though that had been a difficult kill, but my heart was racing, and I felt restless energy buzzing on my skin. I teleported to my living room, where Thana was trying to reassure Selene that Kieran and I were not in any danger.

  I stalked over to my woman and yanked her into my arms, crushing my mouth over hers in a deep kiss.

  “Let’s go, baby,” Kieran murmured.


  Then there was no sound except the thumping of my heart and the rush of blood thundering in my ears.

  Selene moaned, and I held her steady as her knees weakened, my fangs elongated, and my mouth watered for the taste of her blood. Not yet, I reprimanded myself. I tore my lips from hers with a reluctant groan and swept her into my arms when she swayed on her feet.

  “Until we are bonded, you are vulnerable,” I explained to her softly as I headed for the staircase. Selene wasn’t particularly fond of the feeling of being teleported, though that would change once she was turned. However, I didn’t mind making the journey up to our suite. I enjoyed the feel of her in my arms, her scent wafting up to tempt me, and the sound of her heartbeat causing my fangs to tingle while my heart swelled with emotion. “I can never lose you, love,” I choked out. “I need to claim you.”

  Selene had tucked her head under my chin, and she bumped it when she nodded, making me smile. “I want to be yours, Athan. I’m ready.”

  We reached the bedroom, and I carried her over to the closet before setting her on her feet. Clasping her beautiful face in my hands, I searched her vibrant, purple eyes as I asked, “Are you sure?”

  To my relief, she answered with no hesitation in her features. “Yes. I’m more than sure.”

  The breath rushed out of my lungs as my heart jumped into my throat while all the blood in my body headed straight to my cock. Calling on all of my restraint, I gave her a soft, brisk kiss, then turned her toward the door to the enormous walk-in closet and patted her
delectable little butt.

  “Get the box on the bottom shelf to the right,” I told her. “Take it with you to that bathroom and change into what’s inside.” I’d popped out during one of her deep naps during the day and bought something special. I hadn’t been sure when she’d be ready for the claiming, but I’d wanted to be prepared. And fuck, just knowing she was in there putting on what I’d picked out for her was testing the limits of my control.

  With a wave of my hand, the room transformed into the perfect chamber to claim my consort. My clothes had been replaced with black sleep pants, tented from the large erection struggling to get free. The sheets on the bed became silk, the deep purple color matching Selene’s eyes. Candles were scattered around the room, and the light from their flames danced over the walls. The floor was covered with a thick, plush black rug, and silk ties were attached to the headboard and footboard.

  Power filled the room like a gentle mist. It was heady and thick but not cloying. My skin buzzed with an electric current, and I clenched and unclenched my hands to keep from barging into the bathroom and dragging Selene out to the bed.

  The bathroom had an entrance through the dressing room and one directly into the bedroom. The latter opened, and my breath caught in my throat at the vision standing before me.

  Selene’s milk chocolate and honey hair hung down in soft waves, spilling over her shoulders to rest on her breasts. I’d chosen an ice-blue silk negligee that matched my eyes. I loved the idea of her sweet body being wrapped up in me.

  Her gaze roamed over me, and her amethyst orbs burned with hunger. She licked her lips, and I felt raw as jagged need tore through me. The power of the claiming ceremony was fast overtaking me. I held out my hand and beckoned her. “Selene,” I growled, my voice tight with desire. “Come to me.”

  She walked toward me, her hips swaying sensuously as her tits bounced with each step. Her hard little nipples were poking through the nearly opaque garment. Fuck, I thought I’d wanted her before, but this was unlike anything I could have ever imagined. With every glance, every breath, every second longer, I slid closer to the edge of madness.

  Finally, she stood before me, and her eyes were so full of trust and love as she stared up at me that I felt as though there was a vise grip around my heart, and I choked a little on my next breath. I cupped her face, and our eyes locked together as I spoke the ritual words. “Selene Brassard, do you accept my claim on you?”

  Her smile filled the room with light when she answered, “Yes, I accept your claim on me with all of my heart and soul, Athan Bancroft.”

  I couldn’t help myself from lowering my head and sipping from her delicious lips for a moment before continuing. “You’re prepared to be mine from now until the end of time?”

  She placed her hands over mine and squeezed them gently. “And beyond.”

  The words were like a balm to my soul, but at the same time, they blew apart any restraint I had left. Hastily, I asked, “To cement our mating bond, you must trust me unequivocally. Are you prepared to demonstrate the depth of your faith in me?” My voice was low and full of dominance and demand, making it clear that I expected to be obeyed.

  Selene nodded. “Whatever you need, Athan. Take it.”

  I slid my hands to her shoulders and then down to cup her breasts. My thumbs flicked over her nipples, and I inhaled deeply as the scent of her arousal thickened. Bending my knees, I dropped just enough to take one nub into my mouth. Selene moaned and swayed on her feet. I switched to the other side, leaving wet circles in the fabric, baring her nipples.

  Fuck, I needed her. I needed her to be mine. Forever.

  I ripped her negligee down the center and pushed it off her shoulders, leaving her clad in only a tiny scrap of fabric that barely hid her delicious pussy. Putting pressure on her shoulders, I urged her to her knees on the soft, thick rug. Then I shoved down my pants and kicked them off. My cock was swollen and red, the skin stretched tight, and a bead of pre-come glistened on the tip. I ran a hand through her hair before fisting it at the back of her head and pulling back. “Take me in your mouth,” I commanded.

  Selene eagerly opened her mouth and moaned when I eased my dick inside her hot, wet cavern. “Fuck,” I grunted. I was trying desperately not to come yet, but when she closed her lips around me as I bumped the back of her throat, a bit of come spurted from the head. “Fuck, that’s good. Suck it, love. I’m going to fuck your mouth,” I rasped. “Relax your jaw and just breathe.”

  She did as she was told, which was so fucking sexy, and it added to my raging desire. I held her head firmly in place while I pumped in and out of her mouth, slowly at first but quickly gaining speed. I was lost to the pleasure, and while I was careful not to hurt her too much, my forceful thrusts had her eyes watering, and she gagged a couple of times. “Swallow next time I—Oh, fuck yes!” I shouted when she gulped the head of my dick down her throat. Selene moaned, and her hands palmed my ass as though she was making sure I didn’t stop. Her tongue swirled around my shaft, and she sucked hard, hollowing out her cheeks.

  That was the end of my control. I roared her name as I detonated, my body shuddering with bliss while come exploded from my cock. She swallowed a few times, taking every drop until I was empty. “Damn, love,” I groaned as I withdrew my still hard and aching cock. “That was amazing.”

  Selene licked her lips and smiled up at me. “So amazing,” she agreed softly. I bent at the waist and kissed her, keeping our mouths fused while I scooped her into my arms. Weak in the knees from her incredible blow job, I stumbled to the bed, then set her down in the center.

  I gently secured her hands and feet to the bed, spreading her open wide. Then I ripped away her tiny underwear before moving to stand at the foot to gaze at my prize.

  “You are so beautiful,” I breathed. “Your pussy is pink and ripe, dripping for me.” My mouth watered, but if I didn’t get inside her and claim her, I was going to lose my damn mind.

  I rounded to the side of the bed and climbed on, coming to rest over the top of her. My cock settled between her legs, and she was so wet that when I moved, I slid effortlessly through her folds, leaving my dick coated in her juices.

  “You’re mine,” I told her in a steely voice.

  She nodded. “Only ever yours.”

  Lowering my head, I licked and nibbled each nipple. When I bit down, she cried out and arched her back, seeking more of the pleasure mixed with pain. After a few minutes, I sealed our mouths together, and our tongues danced as I began to enter her. I felt her struggle with her bonds, and knowing she was at my mercy made me even hotter.

  When I was wholly sheathed in her tight channel, I took a deep breath to try to regain some control. The power of the claiming overtook me, and I began to fuck her hard and fast, setting a brutal pace. Need had taken over my brain, and the only thing I was aware of was the sound of our skin slapping together with each deep thrust and the feeling of her pussy squeezing me tight as I powered into her over and over.

  Deeper. I was desperate to be as deep as possible inside my consort. I ripped myself away from Selene, barely registering her cry of protest, and hastily untied her feet. Then I bent her legs at the knees and pushed them to her chest as I slammed back inside. “Oh, fuck, yeah,” I grunted.

  “Yes! Athan,” Selene moaned. “More.”

  Getting up onto my knees, I put her legs on my shoulders and grabbed her ass, lifting her hips. “Watch,” I growled. Her eyes dropped to where my cock was almost violently working in and out of her sex. “This is mine. Only mine.”

  “Yesssss,” Selene hissed as her hands clenched the sheets beside her. “Athan,” she whimpered, “I can’t take it.”

  “You will,” I commanded. I’d never felt anything like this. The overwhelming passion burning inside my body, a want so fierce I had no control over it, and possession so powerful it consumed me and pushed me to drive Selene to her limits.

  It wasn’t long before her body began to tremble, and though she tried to kee
p her eyes on me, they rolled to the back of her head as she screamed my name. Her pussy rippled around my cock as she climaxed, and it milked me until I followed her into oblivion. I threw my head back and shouted as wave after wave of ecstasy crashed over me. Eventually, I’d filled her with the last of my come, but before we could descend from our peaks, I placed her legs on both sides of me and released her wrists so I could lift her and settle her on my lap, remaining buried deep in her pussy.

  My fangs were aching, and I felt as though I’d been starved for hundreds of years. I palmed her ass with one hand, keeping her pelvis sealed to mine. The other dived into her hair and yanked her head back, exposing her neck. Without warning, I plunged my teeth into the perfect marks, and her sweet blood filled my mouth.

  Selene flew off the edge once more, but her screams were filled with both pleasure and agony. Kieran had warned me that the change would cause my consort incredible pain, which was why I’d chosen this position. My cock swelled, and I urged her to bounce up and down on it, hoping the bliss would overpower the discomfort while I took deep pulls from her neck. Her body was shifting each molecule, rearranging them so that her chemical makeup went from human to immortal.

  Eventually, she was clinging to me and working herself on my shaft, losing herself over to the ecstasy of our mating as the pain ebbed. I pulled my fangs from her neck and licked over the wound to seal it. I pumped my hips in rhythm with hers and pushed her over the edge once more. While she was climaxing, I guided her head to my heart. “Drink, love. Seal our bond. I can’t wait another second.”

  Selene’s eyes opened, and they held surprise as she ran her tongue over her brand new fangs. Thana had explained the change, but I imagined it was still a little shocking to be so different suddenly. But it only took another second before she leaned in and sank her fangs into my flesh. Once again, I was swept away on an intense orgasm, the pleasure from her bite immeasurable. On top of that, our minds had merged, and I was bombarded with her pleasure along with mine.